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TDFPS-Designer: an efficient toolkit for barcode design and selection in nanopore sequencing


TDFPS-Designer can be used on the linux system with GPU for CUDA, the main functions as follows:

  1. Select some sequences from the whole k-mer space or given sequence space as barcodes. The DTW distance between the nanopore signals corresponding to these barcode sequences is greater than a certain threshold.

  2. Given the multi-sample sequencing data generated by Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Company, complete the process of demultiplexing these data. These data include: nanopore signal (format: txt), barcode sequence, adapter sequence and length information of flank sequence.

Our experiments show that TDFPS-Designer can customize barcode kits for users and outperforms current state-of-the-art demultiplexing tools on these kits, improving demultiplexing accuracy by approximately 30% for some barcodes.

Packages && deploy

To run TDFPS-Designer, users must first install 'conda' according to the following two steps:

  1. Download Anaconda3
  1. Install conda
    bash Anaconda3-2021.11-Linux-x86

When 'conda' is successfully installed, the user only needs to enter the following commands to deploy the TDFPS_Designer. In order to run TDFPS-Designer, five main packages are required, that is, 'scipy','numpy', 'h5py', 'hdf5' and 'pandas'. For convenience, an environment file('TDFPS_Designer.yaml') is provided so that users can deploy DFPS-Designer directly using conda, the command line is as follows:

    conda env create -f TDFPS_Designer.yaml
    pip install edlib
    pip install ont-fast5-api
    pip install pod5
    git clone
    cd TDFPSDesigner/slow5lib
    python3 -m pip install .

If necessary, you can recompile the CUDA program:



1. Design barcode for muti-sample sequencing

We provide two modes to design barcode. One is' k-mer 'mode, and the other is' fasta' mode. When users use the 'k-mer' mode to design barcode, that is, select some sequences with sufficient differences from each other from the entire k-mer space to form a barcode set, and users can use the following commands:

    python --length 10 \
        --qsize 10000 \
        --outdir test_select_kmer \
        --threshold 10 \
        --thread-num 8 \
        --mode kmer \
        --seed 15 \
        --training-precison-cutoff 0.95 \
        --kit dna-r10-min

When the user uses the 'fasta' mode to design barcode, that is, select some sequences from the sequences contained in the fasta file as barcode sequences. The user can use the following command:

    python --length 10 \
    --qsize 10000 \
    --outdir test_select_fasta \
    --threshold 10 \
    --thread-num 8 \
    --mode fasta \
    --fasta test_select_kmer/first_selected_barcodes.fa \
    --seed 15 \
    --training-precison-cutoff 0.95 \
    --kit dna-r10-min

The parameter information about '' is as follows:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --length LENGTH       Specify the length of the designed barcode.
  --qsize QSIZE         Specify the size of the initially selected sequence space, which is recommended to be more than 100000.
  --outdir OUTDIR       Specify the output file, which contains the final barcode sequences.
  --seed SEED           Specify a random seed to determine the initially selected barcode signal, have a slight impact on the size of the final barcode set.
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Specify a value to control the threshold of the TDFPS algorithm, the recommended value is 0~30.
  --thread-num THREAD_NUM
                        Specify the number of threads.
  --mode {kmer,fasta}   Specify the selected mode. If the mode is "fasta", then -f must be followed by a file of "fasta" type.
  --fasta FASTA         Specify a file(format: fasta). The sequences contained in this file must be of the same length. When the "--mode" is followed by "fasta", this parameter must be used. In other cases, it
                        has no effect.
  --kit {dna-r9-min,dna-r9-prom,dna-r10-min,dna-r10-prom}
                        Specify ONT sequencing kit.
  --adapter-seq ADAPTER_SEQ
                        Specify ONT adapter sequence for select barcodes again.
  --top-flank-seq TOP_FLANK_SEQ
                        Specify ONT top flanking sequence for select barcodes again.
  --bottom-flank-seq BOTTOM_FLANK_SEQ
                        Specify ONT bottom flanking sequence for select barcodes again.
  --training-num-each-barcode TRAINING_NUM_EACH_BARCODE
                        Specify the training number for select barcodes again.
  --training-precison-cutoff TRAINING_PRECISON_CUTOFF
                        Specify training precison cutoff for select barcodes again.
  --training-recall-cutoff TRAINING_RECALL_CUTOFF
                        Specify training recall cutoff for select barcodes again.
  --training-f1Score-cutoff TRAINING_F1SCORE_CUTOFF
                        Specify training F1-Score cutoff for select barcodes again.
  --bio-criteria        Based on biological criteria, sequences with a GC content lower than 0.4 or greater than 0.6, sequences containing reapte triples, sequences containing GGC, and self-complementary
                        sequences were filtered out.

2. Demultiplexing based on TDFPS-Designer

Given a folder containing nanopore signals, barcode sequence, adpter sequence, and the length of the flanking sequence in barcode sequence, TDFPS-Designer can complete the whole process of demultiplexing. The following is a specific command line:

    python \
    --iAF testData/testAdapter.fasta\
    --iBF testData/testBarcode.fasta\
    --iNS testData/testSigSet \
    --iFL 8 \
    --oRes test_dem \
    --thread-num 8 \

The parameter information about '' is as follows:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --iAF IAF             Specify a input fasta file, which contains a adpter sequence.
 --iBF IBF             Specify an input fasta file, which contains barcode sequences with flanking sequence.
 --iNS INS             Specify an input folder, which contains nanopore signals (.txt) to be demultiplexed.
 --oRes ORES           Specifies an output folder, which contains the results of the demultiplexing.
 --iFL IFL             Specify the length of the flanking sequence in the barcode sequence. It needs to be specified when the length of the top flanking sequence is the same as the length of the tail flanking
                       sequence for better detection of barcode fragment in nanopore signal.
 --kit {dna-r9-min,dna-r9-prom,dna-r10-min,dna-r10-prom}
                       Specify ONT sequencing kit.
 --thread-num THREAD_NUM
                       Specifies the number of threads, which affects the speed of extracting barcde signals.

3. Secondary selection of barcodes based on edit distance

If necessary, we can filter barcodes again based on edit distance. The following is a specific command line:

    python --fasta-file test_Fasta_mode.txt --edit-dist 12 --out-file test_again.fasta

The parameter information about '' is as follows:

    --fasta-file FASTA_FILE
                    It is the fasta file that contains short sequence fragments.
    --edit-dist EDIT_DIST
                            It is an edit distance threshold.
    --out-file OUT_FILE   It is a fasta file to store the selected barcode sequence.
    --thread-num THREAD_NUM
                            It is the number of threads used to execute the task.

Transformation of POD5/Fast5

ONT currently provides two signal file formats, POD5 and Fast5. The input of our algorithm is a signal folder, which contains txt files containing signal data. We provide a simple script ( to convert the signal data in POD5/Fast5 into a folder to support users to use our tool to demultiplex.

If you have a folder (example: pod5_test) containing files in pod5 format, you can convert the signal data to 'out_pod5_test' using the following command:

        python POD5 pod5_test out_pod5_test

If you have a folder containing files in fast5 format (example: fast5_test), you can convert the signal data to 'out_fast5_test' using the following command:

        python Fast5 fast5_test out_fast5_test

Example of running TDFPS-Designer

We have provided two shell scripts, which give examples of designing barcode and demultiplexing based on TDFPS-Designer. The user can run the following script to select barcode in the 10-mer sequence space and select barcode based on 'test_select_kmer/first_selected_barcodes.fa':


In addition, users can run the following script to complete the demultiplexing of 'testData/testSigSet':


Test Data

1. Data for testing TDFPS-Designer

All the data used to test the TDFPS-Designer and output files of the TDFPS-Designer are in folder 'testData'. In addition, folder tempoutput contains intermediate files output by TDFPS-Designer(txt file about DTW distance matrix).

2. All datasets about TDFPS-Designer

In the manuscript (TDFPS-Designer: an efficient toolkit for barcode design and selection in nanopore sequencing), we have introduced all datasets used for evaluating TDFPS-Designer in detail. Users can obtain all the data sets through the following links: link: password:hycl

Designed barcode kits

In the manuscript (TDFPS-Designer: an efficient toolkit for barcode design and selection in nanopore sequencing), we finally designed 137 (20bp), 410 (24bp) and 1779 (30bp) barcodes (barcode_kits/*_selected.fa). These barcodes are derived from an already designed initial kit (barcode_kits/*_barcodes.fa). The barcodes in the initial kit ensure the difference in signal (DTW distance describes the difference). The command line for the final kit generation is in "barcode_kits/". It should be noted that the generation of the initial kit and the final kit is automated, and the results generated each time are slightly different because the generation of simulated signals and the initial design of the barcode involve random operations.


Qi, J., Li, Z., Zhang, Yz. et al. TDFPS-Designer: an efficient toolkit for barcode design and selection in nanopore sequencing. Genome Biol 25, 285 (2024).