(WIP) Cooking kit for standardizing recipes found online and converting them to an international standard format. Supports reading from certain websites and reading from/to the standard .txt based format.
- unified way to store recipes
- built-in scaling calculations
- enables any UI to be built on top
- small form-factor that can be stored anywhere
- standard .txt format for documenting recipes.
- calculator for easily scaling recipes according to user needs
- URL parser for popular recipe sites, as well as fallback option for general recipe site
- Simple terminal UI for navigating recipes in a folder structure
Example of suggested standard format in sample recipe .txt file.
The standard includes:
- recipe version, to give an idea of how many iterations have been made before arriving at end result. Suggested to start from 1.0 and adding 0.1 for each version.
- ingredient list with amounts specified in litres, grams, tablespoons, and teaspoons per person
- step by step guide for execution that may include images
- tags for categorizing and searching