This is a website for everything created by k8o!
Install the package after preparing Node.js
and pnpm
with reference to the version described in package.json
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile
Copy environment variables and launch docker to use SQL and KV.
cp .env.example .env.local
docker compose up -d
pnpm run migration
If you want to use the MicroCMS locally, ask k8o for the MICROCMS_API_KEY.
Starts the application in development mode with hot-code reloading, error reporting, and more.
pnpm run dev
There is a collection of components and a design system.
pnpm run storybook
One side is tested by VITEST. It will run in browser mode
except for the utils
pnpm run test
# using Vitest UI
pnpm run test:ui
# If you want to get covarage result ...
pnpm run coverage
Using elsint
affected by next.js
pnpm run lint
By prettier
pnpm run format
It work in typescript
(tsc --noEmit
pnpm run type-check
Generate migration file by schema file(src/database/schema.ts
pnpm run generate
Generate custom migration file, such as seeding data.
pnpm run generage:custom
Execute database migration in migrations/*.sql
pnpm run migrate
Connect local postgres database.
docker compose exec postgres psql -U postgres -d main