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Kaltura Meeting Embed Sample

This shows how to embed Kaltura Meetings rooms into a Node.js application (it skips the room creation part). This is a very basic node express based app (generated using Express Generator).

Watch the Kaltura Meetings Developer Guide

For the API and options please review the Kaltura Meeting Embed dDocumentation at .

To run

  1. Checkout/Download the files
  2. npm install
  3. Copy config.template.json to config.json
  4. Open config.json, configure according to the instructions and remove all comments
  5. Run:
    • On Mac/Linux - DEBUG=kalturameeting:* npm start
    • Windows - set DEBUG=myapp:* & npm start
  6. Load http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to access the app.

How does this code work?

  • express is configured with two routes: index and launchroom
  • index (/) - the homepage shows a form mimicing user registration for an event, and allows chosing between rooms and roles
  • launchroom renders the room or redirects back to homepage if no valid post data was provided
    • It gets all the Kaltura params from the express app (who reads it from config.json)
    • It then creates the Kaltura session with respective privileges according to the choices made in the homepage
    • And finally renders the room as an iframe (see launchroom.jade)

Key steps in Kaltura Meetings integration

  1. Create a resource / virtual room (or reuse an existing one). This step needs to be done outside of the app using the scheduleResource.add API. The created resourceIds should be populated in config.json. Key parameters in API:
    • objectType: KalturaLocationScheduleResource
    • tags: vcprovider:newrow
  2. Generate a Kaltura Session (KS) which will authenticate a user into a room (done on backend)
    • The privileges parameter should look similar to this: userContextualRole:0,role:viewerRole,resourceId:1092641
      • userContextualRole: 0/1 is a host. 3 is a guest.
      • role should always be set to viewerRole
      • resourceId was acquired in step 1
    • type should be USER
    • userId should be some unique identifier (i.e. email or any alphanumeric string which uniquely itendifies a user)
    • secret should be your account’s User Secret (not Admin Secret)
  3. Join the room by launching it into an iframe. The iframe’s src will look similar to this:, where XXXXXX is the KS generated in step 2.

Where to get help

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All code in this project is released under the AGPLv3 license unless a different license for a particular library is specified in the applicable library path.

Copyright © Kaltura Inc. All rights reserved.

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