KMbed is a Gradle/KMP plugin for embedding resources in KMP modules.
The runtime provides an API similar to Android's R-class, zlib compression and integration.
- Windows x64
- Linux x64
- Linux arm64
- macOS x64
- macOS arm64
- iOS x64
- iOS arm64
- Android Native x64
- Android Native arm64
- Android Native arm32
- JS
First, add the required maven repository:
repositories {
Using KMbed is as simple as applying the KMbed Gradle Plugin and the runtime.
plugins {
id("io.karma.kmbed.kmbed-gradle-plugin") version "<version>"
kotlin {
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
Resource may be accessed from any source set using the Res
import // Generated resource index
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val data = Res["my_resource.bin"].asByteArray()
// ...
The following configuration properties are avaiable through the kmbed project extension:
kmbed {
// Allows changing the namespace (package name) of the generated resources for the current module
resourceNamespace = ""
// Allows force-disabling resource compression in the resource compiler
compression = true
// Allows adjusting the threshold at which resources are compressed (in bytes)
compressionThreshold = 256
// Custom source sets
kmbedSourceSets {
val customSourceSet by creating {
resourceNamespace = ""
compression = false