Probabilistic programming languages resemble typical programming languages, but instead of being compiled and run, their goal is to enable the use of the language as a medium to express a probabilistic model and to enable automatic inference. This project provides an inference tool for a rather simple kind of imperative probabilistic programming language.
The probabilistic programming language (hereafter referred to as PPL) described in this repository supports booleans as the only data structure available, but allows a wide variety of control flow constructs, including conditionals, loops, including those loops whose number of iterations isn't fixed. The PPL adds two fundamental language constructs to allow probabilistic programming:
- Bernoulli trial
- Observation of an expression
Their meaning will become clear in the following examples.
If you wish to compile from source, have the Haskell stack
tool ready. It is a program for developing
Haskell projects, with automated compiler installation and dependency
installation. Then, run stack build
in the root directory of the repo.
If you do not wish to compile, download a pre-compiled executable from the GitHub release page.
Finally, run
stack exec -- prob /path/to/program.txt
to perform inference on a probabilistic program contained in the mentioned file.
The simplest possible (while being non-trivial and probabilistic) program models the flip of a fair coin:
r ~ bernoulli 0.5;
Save the above text in a file, and run the inference tool on that file. The result is
------------- ---
"r" -> true 1/2
"r" -> false 1/2
This means that, the inference engine determined that at the end of the
program, there are two outcomes: the variable r
being either true or
false, (by which the author of the probabilistic program means tails or
heads), both with a probability of one half each.
We can of course flip two fair coins instead. These flips will be independent:
r1 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
r2 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
The inference tool reports:
---------------------------- ---
"r1" -> true "r2" -> true 1/4
"r1" -> false "r2" -> true 1/4
"r1" -> true "r2" -> false 1/4
"r1" -> false "r2" -> false 1/4
It is possible to introduce conditionals. For example, suppose we first flip two coins; then only when both are tail (true) do we flip a third coin:
r1 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
r2 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
if r1 and r2 then {
r3 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
} else {
r3 := false;
The inference tool reports thus:
------------------------------------------ ---
"r1" -> true "r2" -> true "r3" -> true 1/8
"r1" -> true "r2" -> true "r3" -> false 1/8
"r1" -> false "r2" -> true "r3" -> false 1/4
"r1" -> true "r2" -> false "r3" -> false 1/4
"r1" -> false "r2" -> false "r3" -> false 1/4
Notice that this time the probability figures are different, and some outcomes are omitted because they are impossible. It is simply impossible to have the first two coins not both true and the third also true.
Conditionals may be convenient. But the real power comes with loops. Suppose we would like to keep flipping a coin until it's false, and we would like to figure out whether the number of times we flipped is even or odd.
numberOfTimesOdd := false; // the last bit of a conceptual integer
do {
coin ~ bernoulli 0.5;
numberOfTimesOdd := not numberOfTimesOdd;
} while coin;
Running this through the tool gives this result:
-------------------------------------------- ---
"coin" -> false "numberOfTimesOdd" -> true 2/3
"coin" -> false "numberOfTimesOdd" -> false 1/3
First notice that in all possible outcomes, the variable coin
always false, because if it were true, the loop would not terminate.
Second notice that it gave a probability of 2/3 and 1/3. How so? Well, the probability that the number of times flipped is odd, is the sum of the probabilities that the number of times flipped is 1, 3, 5, 7, etc, so we have the infinite sum 2^(-1)+2^(-3)+2^(-5)+… which we can solve manually to be 2/3, or trust Wolfram Alpha.
It would be nice in the previous program if we could actually use an integer variable rather than keeping track of the last bit of a conceptually integral variable. Alas, let's implement additions manually:
timesBit0 := false;
timesBit1 := false;
timesBit2 := false;
overflow := false;
do {
coin ~ bernoulli 0.5;
// Manually perform addition by one.
if not timesBit0 then {
timesBit0 := true;
} else if not timesBit1 then {
timesBit1 := true;
timesBit0 := false;
} else if not timesBit2 then {
timesBit2 := true;
timesBit1 := false;
timesBit0 := false;
} else {
overflow := true;
} while coin;
The code is not elegant, but it works. The tool now makes it clear we are dealing with a geometric distribution:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> true "timesBit0" -> true "timesBit1" -> true "timesBit2" -> true 1/128
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> true "timesBit1" -> true "timesBit2" -> true 1/128
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> false "timesBit1" -> true "timesBit2" -> true 1/64
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> true "timesBit1" -> false "timesBit2" -> true 1/32
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> false "timesBit1" -> false "timesBit2" -> true 1/16
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> true "timesBit1" -> true "timesBit2" -> false 1/8
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> false "timesBit1" -> true "timesBit2" -> false 1/4
"coin" -> false "overflow" -> false "timesBit0" -> true "timesBit1" -> false "timesBit2" -> false 1/2
With loops, it is then obviously possible for the program not to terminate. For example this one:
b := true;
while true do {
b := not b
When run through the inference tool, the tool refuses to produce an answer:
No results produced.
More sophisticated infinite loops are also possible. Consider for example this program:
x ~ bernoulli 0.05;
do {
y ~ bernoulli 0.25;
} while x;
Here, x can be true or false. But if x were to be true, the program would never terminate. Since the program terminated, x must have been false. So the loop body must be been run once. The tool thus reports:
-------------------------- ---
"x" -> false "y" -> true 1/4
"x" -> false "y" -> false 3/4
So far we've only played with one aspect of the probabilistic nature of the PPL, the Bernoulli trial. The second aspect is observation.
Observation allows part of the program to assert that a certain outcome has been reached, therefore pruning some of the probabilities.
Consider for example we would like to model the roll of a fair die. That
die has six sides, numbered one to six. We can choose to use three
boolean variables to represent each bit of the number. However, with
three bits we can represent zero and seven as well. We can then use the
construct to remove these possibilities:
b0 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
b1 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
b2 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
observe b0 || b1 || b2; // Not all zeros
observe !b0 || !b1 || !b2; // Not all ones
The inference tool reports:
------------------------------------------ ---
"b0" -> false "b1" -> true "b2" -> true 1/6
"b0" -> true "b1" -> false "b2" -> true 1/6
"b0" -> false "b1" -> false "b2" -> true 1/6
"b0" -> true "b1" -> true "b2" -> false 1/6
"b0" -> false "b1" -> true "b2" -> false 1/6
"b0" -> true "b1" -> false "b2" -> false 1/6
Now suppose we roll two such dice, and the sum of the numbers is ten. What could the two rolls be? This program can find out:
b0 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
b1 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
b2 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
// Not zero or seven.
observe b0 || b1 || b2;
observe !b0 || !b1 || !b2;
c0 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
c1 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
c2 ~ bernoulli 0.5;
// Not zero or seven.
observe c0 || c1 || c2;
observe !c0 || !c1 || !c2;
// Now b and c are results of the two rolls. We sum them up.
s0 := b0 xor c0;
carry := b0 and c0;
s1 := b1 xor c1 xor carry;
carry := b1 and c1 or carry and (b1 xor c1);
s2 := b2 xor c2 xor carry;
carry := b2 and c2 or carry and (b2 xor c2);
s3 := carry;
// We observe their sum to be ten.
observe not s0;
observe s1;
observe not s2;
observe s3;
The inference tool reports:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
"b0" -> false "b1" -> false "b2" -> true "c0" -> false "c1" -> true "c2" -> true "carry" -> true "s0" -> false "s1" -> true "s2" -> false "s3" -> true 1/3
"b0" -> true "b1" -> false "b2" -> true "c0" -> true "c1" -> false "c2" -> true "carry" -> true "s0" -> false "s1" -> true "s2" -> false "s3" -> true 1/3
"b0" -> false "b1" -> true "b2" -> true "c0" -> false "c1" -> false "c2" -> true "carry" -> true "s0" -> false "s1" -> true "s2" -> false "s3" -> true 1/3
The result is difficult to read due to the encoding, but it essentially says, there are three possibilities with equal probability: first roll 4, second roll 6; both rolls 5; first roll 6, second roll 4.
The language has a fairly simple syntax, reminiscent of typical imperative languages.
Comments either start with //
and last till the end of the line, or
start with /*
and end with */
The keywords of the language are if
, then
, else
, while
, do
, true
, false
, not
, and
, or
, xor
, bernoulli
, and observe
. They may not be used as identifiers.
Special symbols are (
, )
, {
, }
, ;
, :=
, ~
, !
, &&
, ^
and ||
Identifiers start with a letter, followed by zero of more alphanumeric characters.
Expressions in the language look like expressions in typical languages.
There are four operators not
(also spelled as !
), and
spelled as &&
), xor
(also spelled as ^
), or
(also spelled as
), in that precedence. Expressions may be wrapped in parentheses.
The terms of the expression are the boolean literals true
, false
, or
an identifier.
A program consists of a statement, optionally followed by a return
construct (consisting of the keyword return
, followed by an
expression, followed by a semicolon).
A statement is a collection of the following more specific kinds of statements, each followed by a semicolon:
An if-statement, which consists of the keyword
, an expression, the keywordthen
, a statement enclosed in mandatory braces, the keywordelse
, followed by either another if-statement or a statement enclosed in mandatory braces. -
A while-statement, which consists of the keyword
, an expression, the keyworddo
, followed by a statement enclosed in mandatory braces. -
A do-while-statement, which consists of the keyword
, a statement enclosed in mandatory braces, the keywordwhile
, followed by an expression. -
A deterministic assignment statement, which consists of an identifier, the symbol
, followed by an expression. -
A non-deterministic assignment statement, which consists of an identifier, the symbol
, the keywordbernoulli
, followed by an arbitrary precision floating number without sign. Exponential notation is supported. WARNING: if the exponent is too large, the tool will use lots of memory and crash. If the number is not between 0 and 1, the behavior is undefined. -
A skip-statement, which solely consists of the keyword
. -
An observe-statement, which consists of the keyword
, followed by an expression. -
Any statement enclosed in braces.
The semantics of this programming language is not clearly defined, and was subject to discussion and debate among the author and his research partners. Some results have been reached, but none achieved the kind of simplicity, versatility, and elegance desired by the author.
How does this inference tool deal with loops? In simple words, the entire program state throughout the loop is systematically explored. Due to the properties of the language, program states will re-occur. Furthermore, the probabilities of the various possible program states in a loop are linear. This results in a linear system of at most 2^N variables (in the program state), where N is the number of variables in the program.