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Gentoo Raspberry Pi Image Builder

This contains a script that will build a 4GB (default) disk image that you can write to an SD card to boot a Raspberry Pi.

It installs Gentoo Linux.

Please note that I'm not offering any support for this. It works today, but new versions of Gentoo packages released tomorrow may break it. If you want to fix it and submit a patch, that's great, but I'm not going to fix any problems with it until and unless I personally run into them.

I'm also not a fountain of knowledge for all things Raspberry Pi. If you need help figuring out how to get a particular piece of software running on the device, or... well, anything, really... you should head over to the Raspberry Pi Wiki, the Raspberry Pi Forum, or, as a last resort, our good pal Google.


You might suggest that this is slightly insane, and that no reasonable person would want to install a source-based distro on a relatively underpowered ARM board. You'd probably be right.

But, I wanted to do it for some reason, so I did it.


Just run ./ from the root of the git repo. The final image will end up in ./out/build/.

Currently all of the follwing must be true for this to work:

  • You're running Gentoo Linux.
  • You have the crossdev package installed.
  • You have binfmt_misc support built into your kernel (or it's available as a module).
  • You have root access on the box, and sudo is set up so you can run anything (without a password will be easier).
  • You're on an architecture that can run QEmu, more specifically the "user" variant of it that can run non-native apps as if they were native.
  • There are a bunch of other tools you'll need installed, but the script will tell you on startup if you're missing any of them.

It will likely take a very long time, so be prepared to wait.

Post Install

At the end, the script will print out the full path to your SD card image. You'll want to attach your SD card to your computer via some means, and run a command that looks something like this:

sudo dd if=<path_to_disk_image> of=/dev/<sdcard_device> bs=4M

If you built a disk image smaller than your SD card, it's fastest to simply resize the root partition after writing it to the card (that is, if you make a giant disk image with lots of blank space, writing it out to the SD card will take forever). Anyway, something like this should get you going:

$ sudo parted /dev/<sdcard_device>
(parted) unit b
(parted) print
# Note down the total size of the SD card (printed before the
# partition table) and *subtract 1 from it*, and the starting
# offset of partition 2. (We'll call them $END and $START,
# respecively.)
(parted) rm 2
(parted) mkpart primary ext4 $START $END
(parted) quit
$ sudo fsck -pfC /dev/<sdcard_device>2
$ sudo resize2fs -p /dev/<sdcard_device>2
$ sudo fsck -pfC /dev/<sdcard_device>2

Plug your SD card into your Raspberry Pi, hook up a network cable (if you have the model with ethernet), and plug in power.

The build enables multicast DNS broadcasts, so if your local machine is set up to be able to resolve via multicast DNS, you should be able to just do ssh [email protected]. Otherwise you'll need a USB keyboard and monitor with HDMI.

The username of the default user (which has sudo access) is rpi, and the password is raspberry.

The Details

The builder is not really the best. It does some unfortunate things. You may think of this as a to-do list.

  • Gentoo's cross tools fail to build some packages properly. Instead of figuring out why and fixing them, I chroot into the ARM rootfs, and use qemu-arm to emerge the packages "natively". Unfortunately this is very slow.
  • It will pollute your crossdev-created sysroot (in /usr/armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi/) with all the packages it builds for the Raspberri Pi, and then does not clean up after itself. For this reason, I suggest you back it up first.
  • It adds some stuff to your package.unmask and package.keywords that it probably shouldn't.
  • It includes an ebuild for rpi-userland which fetches, builds, and installs the OpenGL ES, OpenVG, etc. libraries. This ebuild should really go in an overlay.
  • It grabs the Raspberry Pi kernel from GitHub, but I haven't created an ebuild for it so you can have the sources on the device itself. You probably don't really want to build a kernel on the device, but some ebuilds may require that it be present.
  • It pulls down a portage snapshot, unpacks it, and then later updates it. Really it could just rsync from the build system it's running on.
  • It assumes you're running Gentoo on the build machine. You really have to be if you want to be able to cross-emerge the packages to put in the rootfs image. However, if you really wanted to, you could faux-native build all the packages inside the ARM chroot, using QEmu. In that case, you don't even need the cross-compiler (though you might want one to build the kernel faster). But anyway, the script doesn't support this (yet).
  • In theory, you could even build on MacOS X using XBinary for the ARM-chrooting, and either build everything in there, or install Gentoo Prefix on your Mac to handle the cross-emerging parts.

There are also some things I find annoying that aren't really within my control:

  • It uses armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi as the host tuple (aka CHOST in Gentoo-land), rather than the (IMO) more-sane arm-linux-gnueabihf tuple that the Debian guys decided on. I don't think of "hardfloat" as a "vendor". The last part of the tuple generally indicates ABI compatibility, which is where the hard-float nature of the builds comes in. Specifying a more-specific "armv6j" is useful to denote the lowest architecture level supported (much in the same way that "i386", "i686", etc. are used for x86 builds). Anyway: this tuple is what crossdev recognizes, and that's how the Gentoo stage3 we bootstrap from was built, and I'm not interested in changing (and maintaining!) that much of the system. </bike-shed-naming-rant>
  • The Gentoo arch is still called arm, even though the hard-float nature of this build is entirely binary-incompatible with any normal Gentoo arm build. The Debian guys decided to use armhf as their hard-float architecture, which I wish Gentoo had done. I guess it matters less for a source-based distribution, but it's certainly possible that some packages that are unmasked and stable and working on a soft-float ARM system aren't particularly awesome when you build them using hard-float, and it would probably be nice to be able to treat them as a separate arch for unstable/stable keywording and masking purposes.

Other Useful Information


This builder just builds a base system to get you started. No X or anything graphical at all. You can edit the script to build more stuff, but be aware that it's highly likely that other packages will fail to cross-compile, and you may spend more time figuring out what they are, adding them to the cross-compile blacklist, and restarting the process, than it would take to just build the minimal system and then build directly on the Raspberry Pi (while ideally using distcc to distribute the dirty work to the cross-compiler on your build machine).

Larger SD Cards

As I said, this'll build a 4GB disk image, and will use about 1.7GB of it. You will likely have a larger SD card. You can export the DISK_IMAGE_SIZE environment variable to set a different size. Specify the size in bytes.

Relatedly, I create a 96MB vfat partition to store the kernel and other boot files, which barely take up 20MB. If you want to make this partition smaller (or larger; perhaps you want to play with different kernels and keep them handy at all times), you can export the BOOTFS_SIZE env var before running the script. Again: the size is in bytes.

Your other option is to resize the filesystem after installing it, by first using parted to expand the partition to the full size of the SD card, and then using resize2fs to expand the filesystem. This process is detailed above. This might be a better choice, as writing out a mostly-empty disk image to your SD card will take quite a while, whereas expanding a filesystem should be rather quick, since it only needs to write out some new superblocks and adjust some metadata.


I don't create any swap. Depending on your Raspberry Pi model's RAM, and your intended use of the device, you might want some. You can either set DISK_IMAGE_SIZE a little smaller than the size of your SD card and create your own swap partition later in the remaining space, or you can create swap files and put them on the rootfs. Or you can add (optional!) support to the script and send me a patch.

As a note, after a fresh boot, the system is using about 20MB of RAM, with about 420MB free. The kernel and GPU eat the rest.


There's a config file on the boot partition called config.txt. There are a bunch of options you can put in it, and many of them very well documented here. There's also good documentation on the wiki. However, here are a few highlights:

  • gpu_mem= -- sets the amount of memory allocated to the GPU
  • cmdline= -- sets the command line passed to the kernel
  • arm_freq= -- lets you overclock (and possibly) underclock the CPU

If you use the 3.6.x kernel and LKG62 (or above) GPU firmware, there's apparently support for runtime dynamic allocation of memory between the CPU and GPU. Which is pretty damn cool, if you ask me. I haven't had a chance to test this, or play around with the newer kernel yet, so it's not enabled. If you're truly adventurous, you can set RPI_USE_EXPERIMENTAL to something non-blank and it'll build you some cool goodies.


Well, I did write this monster of a script all by my lonesome, but I do need to thank the Gentoo developers in general for keeping at it after all those years of ricer jokes, and to the guys who wrote crossdev and the various cross-emerge tools for helping make the build process at least a bit faster than it otherwise would be.


Raspberry Pi Gentoo Linux disk image builder






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