This file summarises the procedure used for the analysis of the B1 fastq files deposited by Cattonaro et al on the ENA: SRP163096 Fastq files were retrived for sample B1 (3,830,083 reads). Analysis were run using SeqBox ecosystem Beccuti et al. Fastq fle R1 and R2 were mapped on hg38 human genome using bwa software Jo and Koh.
bwa(group = "docker", fastq.folder = getwd(),
scratch.folder = "/data/scratch", genome.folder = "/data/genomes/hg38bwa", = "genome.fa",
seq.type = "pe", threads = 8, = "B1")
Hg38 indexing was generated using the bwaIndex functin implemented in docker4seq package Kulkarni et al 2018
bwaIndex(group="docker", genome.folder=getwd(), genome.url="", mode="General")
File dedup_reads.stats.xlsx contains the statistics on mapping produced with SAMTOOLS with the command samtools idxstats
As output the docker4seq bwa functin extract also the unmapped reads: sorted_unmapped_R1.fastq.gz, sorted_unmapped_R2.fastq.gz
The unmapped files were analysed with kraken2 using the 8GB Kraken 2 Database built from the Refseq bacteria, archaea, and viral libraries and the GRCh38 human genome
The kraken2 was embedded in a docker container ( and analysis was run using default parameters with the following commands:
ID=$(docker run -i -t -v /data/genomes/minikraken:/reference -v /data/corvelva/B2:/data -v /data/scratch:/scratch -d /bin/bash)
docker attach $ID
# passing as parameters the two unmapped fastq coming from the bwa mapping to human genome and the numbero threads
/bin/ sorted_unmapped_R1.fastq.gz sorted_unmapped_R2.fastq.gz 8
The output of kraken is available in the file