These labs support training necessary for passing the Certified Kubernetes Applcation Developer (CKAD) Test.
- git
- Kubernetes 1.20+ cluster
- Kubernetes in Docker (KinD) note: v0.12.0 used for lab creation
- Minikube
- curl or httpie
Common alias k=kubectl
Lab 2: Core Concepts
Lab 5: Observability
Lab 6: Services and Networking
Lab 7: State Persistence
** Multi-container does not have a specific lab
The bookmarks are a handy reference, however the latest changes to the test do not allow for pre-existing bookmarks to be used.
- understand Helm fundamentals
- install a release
- understand what a Helm release is
- update a Helm release
- list installed helm releases
- identify installed helm releases with problems
- identify chart values to customize
- install a Helm release specifying values using the --set flag
- uninstall a Helm release
- create a simple Dockerfile using: FROM and COPY
- build an image with: docker build -t .
- tag (and maybe push) image
- save image to a .tar file using: docker save
- a service sends traffic to 2 deployments: 1) stable 2) canary. Out of the total number of desired pods, make sure the stable deployment runs X pods, the canary deployment runs Y pods, and the service sends traffic to both.
- discover and use resources that extend Kubernetes
- know how to identify and use them.
Thanks to those that help to keep this project up to date.
- Curtis Hamm @SliderCO-007