The following web app is written in Node.js and shows how to integrate Keygen and FastSpring together using a Popup Storefront embed.
This example application may not be 100% production-ready, but it should get you 90% of the way there. You may need to add additional logging, error handling, validation, features, etc.
🚨 Don't want to host your own webhook server? Check out our Zapier integration.
First up, configure a few environment variables:
# Your FastSpring API credentials (available under Integrations->API Credentials)
# Keygen product token (don't share this!)
# Your Keygen account ID
# The Keygen policy to use when creating licenses for new customers
# after they successfully purchase your product
You can either run each line above within your terminal session before
starting the app, or you can add the above contents to your ~/.bashrc
file and then run source ~/.bashrc
after saving the file.
Next, install dependencies with yarn
Then start the app:
yarn start
For local development, create an ngrok
ngrok http 8080
In order to utilize this integration, you'll need to create a FastSpring Popup
Storefront. Then you'll need to edit the /views/index.ejs
file and update the
FastSpring embed code with your own embed code provided by FastSpring.
Be sure to add data-popup-closed="onFSPopupClosed"
attribute to your embed
script tag or else your integration will not work. You will also need to update
the data-fsc-item-path-value
attribute for the "Buy Now" button.
Visit the following url: http://localhost:8080 and fill out the purchase form.
Reach out at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns!