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Pyxel User Examples (080‐061)

Takashi Kitao edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 3 revisions

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Pyxel, a retro game engine for Python, is collecting user examples. If you have created a project with Pyxel, please post it here.

-141140-121120-101100-081 080-061 060-041040-021020-001

Description Screen Image
Scratch Lesson Port by EdTheDev
Pyxel version of MIT Scratch lessons
Shroomy Shroom by Takane
Side scrolling survival game for Remix It Jam 2023
Mini RPG by aged99oow
No-save small RPG
Mini Pittan by aged99oow
Japanese word puzzle
Pyxel Road Demo by Ilya
Outrun-like road with scalable sprites and parallax background
Chip8Mini by Jay Kumogata
CHIP-8 emulator that runs inside the game cabinet
Panelund by aged99oow
Surround and charge the enemy boss
Othellomino by aged99oow
Othello with polyominoes
PyGmc4 by Jay Kumogata
Gakken GMC-4 emulator in Python
mini-space by bhunao
Mini shooter with many projectiles
Mini Mario by aged99oow
Reduced version of NES Super Mario Bros
Mini Mahjong by aged99oow
Mahjong with reduced tiles
Mini Shogi by aged99oow
Shogi with reduced pieces on 5×5 board
Tiny Tale by Fbrzd
Minimalist RPG with online ranking
8bit BGM generator by frenchbread
Tool to automatically generate 3-channel Pyxel sounds
kektris by KonstantinKlepikov
4-quarter tetris
Target_shooting by koidemizu
Simple action shooting game
Unnamed RPG by Adam
Simple RPG with 1v1 combat and party shuffling
Hopping Hiyoko by rococomico
A game that takes chicks to higher places
Baba Is You by Fraser Greenlee
Baba Is You demake

-141140-121120-101100-081 080-061 060-041040-021020-001