- #445 Explicitly set single page snapping to avoid using the default decayed page snapping in compose 1.4
- Update Compose compiler to 1.4.3
- Update Compose UI to 1.3.3
- #442 Allow reloading all available day positions for a date.
val date = LocalDate.now() // your desired date
calendarView.notifyDateChanged(date, *DayPosition.values())
// OR
calendarView.notifyDateChanged(date, DayPosition.InDate, DayPosition.MonthDate, DayPosition.OutDate)
// This also means that you can do any kind of partial reload
// For example, you can reload only the in-date and out-date
calendarView.notifyDateChanged(date, DayPosition.InDate, DayPosition.OutDate)
- #451 Fix: Page snapping does not work as expected when the item size is smaller than the calendar.
General Dependencies:
- Update Desugar JDK library to 2.0.2
- Update Kotlin to 1.8.10
- Update Android Gradle plugin to 7.4.2