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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 4, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Tokens² Curated List

JavaScript Style Guide Conventional Commits Commitizen Friendly Styled with Prettier

The Kleros' Token² Curated List.

Get Started

  1. Clone this repo;
  2. Duplicate and rename .env.example to .env;
  3. Inside .env, replace with your infura key;
  4. Install and set up the MetaMask chrome extension;
  5. Configure MetaMask on the Kovan Test Network;
  6. Run yarn to install dependencies and then yarn start to start the dev server.

Other Scripts

  • yarn run prettify - Apply prettier to the entire project.
  • yarn run lint:scss - Lint the entire project's .scss files.
  • yarn run lint:js - Lint the entire project's .js files.
  • yarn run lint:scss --fix - Fix fixable linting errors in .scss files.
  • yarn run lint:js --fix - Fix fixable linting errors in .js files.
  • yarn run lint - Lint the entire project's .scss and .js files.
  • yarn run cz - Run commitizen.
  • yarn run build - Create a production build.
  • yarn run build:analyze - Analyze the production build using source-map-explorer.