Cuisel is a ncurses-based tool that allows you to select a list of items iteractively on your terminal. It can also be used programmatically in Python.
$ pip install cuisel
As a shell command:
As a Python package:
from cuisel import cuisel
selected = cuisel([i for i in range(1, 100)], modeline=True)
Please refer to the code for more detailed documentation.
Cuisel has a built-in VIM emulator which means you can move the cursor using 'j', 'k', 'G', etc. Here is the manual,
- [count]j - move down
- [count]k - move up
- [count]G - move to row 'count' or bottom
- [count]gg - move to row 'count' or top
- u - deselect all items
- v - enter batch mode
- m/SPACE - select
- [count]zt,zz,zb - redraw
- CTRL-D,CTRL-Y,etc. - scroll window upwards/downwards
- / - search
As you can see, the supported features are quite limited. So feel free to send me a pull request.