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Important Dev Functions

Kyle Lim edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 11 revisions

Server Functions

Functions located in server.js file

Initial Stuff

socket.on('new room', function(data, callback))

Parameters: room, callback

Joins the new socket to the room. If the room currently does not exist, set the socket as the host socket and join the room.

io.sockets.adapter.rooms['room-' + socket.roomnum] Initialization:

.host will store the host socket id

.currPlayer = 0 (YouTube Default)

.currVideo =  { yt, dm, vimeo } (Default video IDs)

.prevVideo = { yt: {id, time}, dm: {id, time}, vimeo: {id, time} } (Previous video IDs and Times)

.hostName = socket.username (Set the username of the host socket)

.users = [socket.username] (Create user array)

.queue = { yt, dm, vimeo } (Create empty queue where each item in the object is an array that holds objects)

See the Room Object Structure for more detail on the structure.

It then sets the front end host label and updates the queue. It grabs the current video from the room object, changes the video, then syncs it up to the host of the room.

Functional Stuff

socket.on('play video', function(data))

Parameters: { room: room }

Play or pause the current video client based on the current video status for all sockets connected to the room.

socket.on('play other', function(data))

Parameters: { room: room }

Plays current video client regardless of current status for all sockets connected to the room. Calls justPlay() event function.

socket.on('pause other', function(data))

Parameters: { room: room }

Pauses the current video client regardless of current status for all sockets connected to the room. Calls justPause() event function.

socket.on('seek other', function(data))

Parameters: { room: room, time: time }

Seeks the video client to the specific time for all sockets connected to the room. Calls justSeek() event function.

socket.on('play next', function(data, callback)

Parameters: {}, Callback function

Grabs the next videoId from the queue, updates the queue with updateQueueVideos(), then calls the callback function passing in the retrieved videoId. The callback function should take the videoId and change to that video. The videoId will be "QUEUE IS EMPTY" if the queue is empty. This signals to the callback function not to change the video and throw an error.

socket.on('enqueue video', function(data))

Paramters: { room: room, videoId: videoId }

Calls 'get title' to grab a title, and pass in a callback function which will push the title and video id to the appropriate spot in the queue then updates the front end.

**socket.on('notify alerts', function(data))

Parameters: { alert: alert, ?: ? }

Function to handle all notify alerts in the notify.js file. Alerts are organized with specific number codes:

  1. Enqueue
  2. Host Change
  3. Empty Queue

Sync Functions

Functions located in sync.js file

Server Side

function playVideo(roomnum)

Calls 'play video' function on the server

function syncVideo(roomnum)

Grabs the video data (currTime, state, videoId) and calls 'sync video' on the server

function syncAlert()

Generates a sync notify alert when pressing sync

function getTime()

Returns the current time for the player

function seekTo(time)

Seeks to the specific time for the player and plays the video

function idParse(videoId)

This parses the video Id out of a URL if the user provides a URL rather than a video id. This is used mainly for changeVideo and enqueueVideo

This returns the videoid "invalid" if the user enters a URL that is invalid.

function enqueueVideo(roomnum)

This parses the videoId then adds it to the queue by calling 'enqueue video'

Client Side

socket.on('playVideoClient', function(data))

Calls the play/pause function for the specific player.

Event Functions

Functions located in events.js file

function playOther(roomnum)

Calls 'play other' function in the server

socket.on('justPlay', function(data))

Plays the video client for the specific player

function pauseOther(roomnum)

Calls 'pause other' function in the server

socket.on('justPause', function(data)

Pauses the video client for the specific player

function seekOther(roomnum, currTime)

Calls 'seek other' function in the server

socket.on('justSeek', function(data)

Parameters: { time: time }

Seeks the video client to the specific time


Calls 'play next' function in the server. It passes a callback function changes the video with a 'change video' function call. Does not change anything if the queue is empty

Video Specific Functions



socket.on('get title', function(data, callback))

Utilizes the YouTube V3 API to grab the title of a video. It takes in a callback function which it passes the video title in. It also calls 'notify alerts' with the enqueue code of 0 which calls the proper notify alert.


All of the notify alert specific functions here