A simple class library used to streamline making 2D applications using OpenGL, GLEW, GLM, SDL, and Box2D.
You can install all required packages by entering the following in a Windows command prompt:
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git cd vcpkg .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat .\vcpkg integrate install .\vcpkg install opengl glew glm sdl2 sdl2-image sdl2-ttf sdl2-mixer sdl2-net box2d
Ensure CMake runs with the following argument:
Before you start development, open CMakeLists.txt and ensure USERNAME is set to your username on your machine.
Development in FureyEngine is simple:
- Inherit from the World class to create a world and spawn in actors.
- Inherit from the Actor class to create and manage an object in your world, as well as add custom functionality by attaching components.
- Inherit from the Component class to create modular code for your actors, or use some of the ones I have provided with the engine.
- In main: Include FureyEngine.h, load your application's resources via FureyEngine::Resources, and load one of your new worlds in!
- For more lower level control of the engine, feel free to modify any of the classes I have provided to tune the engine to your liking.