A tool for generating WAV files of various signal types.
You can control parameters such as length, frequency, and channels through command-line arguments.
name: signal generator => sig. gen. => sigen
$ sigen help
A tool for generating WAV files of various signal types
Usage: sigen <COMMAND>
gen generate a wav file
taper apply taper processing on existing wav file
wav concatenates multiple WAV files into a single file
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
$ sigen gen -h
generate a wav file
Usage: sigen gen <COMMAND>
sine generate a wav file with a sine wave
white generate a wav file with a white noise
tsp generate a wav file with a TSP [Time Stretched Pulse] waveform
pwm generate a wav file with a PWM (pulse train)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
- support waveform
- sine wave
- white noise
- tsp: time-stretched pulse
- PWM (pulse train)
$ sigen gen sine -h
generate a wav file with a sine wave
Usage: sigen gen sine [OPTIONS]
-f, --frequency <FREQUENCY>
Frequency of the sine wave in Hz [default: 440]
-a, --amplitude <AMPLITUDE>
the maximum absolute value of the signal samplitude [default: 0.45]
-c, --channels <CHANNELS>
Which channel generate [default: LR] [possible values: L, R, LR]
-r, --rate-of-sample <RATE_OF_SAMPLE>
Sample Rate of signal [default: 44100]
-o, --output-filename <OUTPUT_FILENAME>
Output Filename
-l, --length-of-taper <LENGTH_OF_TAPER>
length of taper set this to zero to disable tapering [default: 4096]
-w, --window-type <WINDOW_TYPE>
type of taper [default: linear] [possible values: linear, hann, cos, blackman]
-d, --duration <DURATION>
duration of the signal in seconds [default: 5]
-h, --help
Print help
# generate sine wave using default value
$ sigen gen sine
WAV file [sine_440hz_5s.wav] created successfully
# generate R-ch only 5kHz sine wave signal
$ sigen gen sine -f 5000 -c R
WAV file [sine_5khz_5s_r_only.wav] created successfully
# generate 10 min. white noise signal
$ sigen gen white -d 600
WAV file [white_10min.wav] created successfully
# generate 1 sec Log-TSP signal 500Hz to 5kHz without taper
$ sigen gen tsp -t log -s 500 -e 5000 -a 1 -l 0 -d 1
WAV file [tsp_500hz_to_500hz_1s.wav] created successfully
$ sigen taper -h
apply taper processing on existing wav file
Usage: sigen taper [OPTIONS] <INPUT>
<INPUT> input filename
-o, --output [<OUTPUT>]
Output filename. If specified without an argument, input file will be overridden
-l, --length-of-taper <LENGTH_OF_TAPER>
length of taper set this to zero to disable tapering [default: 4096]
-w, --window-type <WINDOW_TYPE>
type of taper [default: linear] [possible values: linear, hann, cos, blackman]
-h, --help
Print help
# tapering to sine_440hz_30.wav
$ /sigen taper sine_440hz_5s.wav
WAV file [sine_440hz_5s_tapered.wav] created successfully
# you can override input file
$ sigen taper sine_440hz_5s.wav -o
Do you want to overwrite [sine_440hz_5s.wav]? [y/N] y
WAV file [sine_440hz_5s.wav] created successfully (file override)
# you can specify output filename
$ sigen taper sine_440hz_5s.wav -o output.wav
WAV file [output.wav] created successfully
$ sigen wav <INPUTS> cat [CAT_COMMANDS] output <OUTPUT>
- If CAT_COMMANDS is omitted, the input files will be concatenated as they are.
- It has command-line options very similar to the PDF merging tool pdftk.
# just concatenated multiple files
$ sigen wav input1.wav input2.wav cat output out.wav
# Concatenate the A and B WAV files with a 1ms interval in between.
$ sigen wav A=input1.wav B=input2.wav cat A 100msec B output out.wav
# The following shorthand notation produces the same result as above.
$ sigen wav input1.wav input2.wav cat 100msec output out.wav
$ sigen wav A=input1.wav B=input2.wav C=input3.wav cat A 1s B 2s C output out.wav
# The following shorthand notation produces the same result as above.
$ sigen wav input1.wav input2.wav input3.wav cat 1s 2s output out.wav
# The following complex operation cannot use shorthand notation.
$ sigen wav A=input1.wav B=input2.wav C=input3.wav cat A 100msec B 50msec A 100msec B 1s C output out.wav
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0).
See the LICENSE file for details.