Notes: chinese version at the bottom. The chinese version ebook of this project can be found at doc/iching folder. ^_^
Iching is a deep meta reinforcement learning quantitative trading platform.
Iching project is inspired by I ching or The Change of Book - an ancient chinese book to predict the future. It is the first book to use binary sysntem in the world about 5000 years ago. It propose that Tai Chi generate Yin-Yang. Yin-Yang generate Eight Diagrams. Two Eight Diagrams have 64 states. There has a Change Diagrams which has 6 states. In all there has 384 state. Ancient chinese people use this 384 states to predict everything faithfully. Iching aim to provide a reliable means to deal with financial market. It uses the most advanced AI technology. At the same time it uses the traditional chinese wisdom equally.
We all known that the application of deep learning and machine learing in financial market is not very successful now. Because almost all the algorithms require the test dataset and the training dataset have identical independent distribution. But financial market changes constantly. The macro economy, micro economy, social media, goverment policy all influence the financial market in some way. With the progress of technology and society financial market envolves all the time. Most of the algorithm assume the distribution of the problem to research is normal distribution. Unfortunately most quotation of the financial market is anything but normal distribution. So apply deep learning and machine learning directly to financial market can not have good results. Iching uses reinforcement learning algorithm to deal with the constant changing characteristic of the financial market. It uses meta learning to accelerate the learning process of reinforcement learning. At the same time it uses psychological few shot learning to deal with the lack of relevent qutotation data. It uses multimodal learning to process the social media and financial news data.
Because this project is on the very early stage you can't install it with pip. you should git clone this repository first:
git clone
You have to email to get the dataset and check point files. After you receive the zip file you should unzip it then copy the data, work, logs folder to iching folder. Before you start please install python3.7 and pytorch 1.4 first. Run this program is very easy. Go to the iching folder and run:
This folder contains all the datasets.
This folder contains all the financial market reinforcement learning environments.
This folder contains the base class of the financial market environment. It is a simplified reinforcement learning environment.
This folder contains the strategies used by reinforcement learning algorithm.
This folder contains reinforcement learning application deal with chinese A stock market daily k line dataset. Each sub folder use a different strategy.
This folder contains a demo application to use MAML algorithm in chinese A stock daily k line dataset.
This folder contains common logic for financial market trading, such as commission, tax, transfer fee.
This folder is a demo application to use MAML to omniglot dataset.
This folder is a demo application to use trading pair algorithm in chinese A stock daily K line dataset.
本项目需要python3.7和PyTorch 1.4,请先通过pip install安装相关依赖。
因为项目还处于非常早期的阶段,因此还不能通过pip install来安装,首先需要先克隆本项目:
git clone
然后你需要向yt7589#qq.com发送邮件,请求数据集和工作目录中的check point文件。将获取到的zip文件进行解压,将其中的data、logs、work目录拷贝到iching目录下,然后就可以在iching目录下,通过运行如下命令运行程序: