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FreeIPA self-service password reset


  1. Users can reset their own passwords with token that is sent to the user's mobile phones
  2. Users can reset their own passwords with token that is sent to the user's emails
  3. The service has protection against brute force attacks
  4. The service is dedicated. It does not change the scheme or system files of FreeIPA. No problems with upgrade of FreeIPA
  5. The password reset page stylized as FreeIPA pages
  6. SMS with tokens is sent through the Amazon SNS service.
  7. Tested with CentOS 7, python 2.7 and FreeIPA 4.4/4.5
  8. This instruction assumes that the service will be installed on the FreeIPA server.
  9. I recommend that you protect the service using a firewall and allow access only through the internal network
  10. This app is very small. You can easily audit the code.
  11. You can easily write your own 2FA providers.

Install steps

  1. Configure FreeIPA
  2. Install & Configure App
  3. Set users mobile phones in their profile. The service require phone in "Telephone Number" field in international format like '+79991234567'
  4. Enjoy!

Configure FreeIPA

  1. Create service user (example: ldap-passwd-reset)
ipa -n user-add "ldap-passwd-reset" --first="Service" --last="Password reset" --password-expiration="2050-01-01Z" --password "CHANGE_ME_PLEASE"
  1. Create new role with permission to change passwords
ipa role-add "Self Password Reset"
ipa role-add-member "Self Password Reset" --users="ldap-passwd-reset"
ipa role-add-privilege "Self Password Reset" --privileges="Modify Users and Reset passwords"
ipa role-add-privilege "Self Password Reset" --privileges="Password Policy Readers"
ipa role-add-privilege "Self Password Reset" --privileges="Kerberos Ticket Policy Readers"
ipa permission-mod "System: Change User password" --includedattrs="krbloginfailedcount"
  1. Create user home dir
mkdir $(ipa -n user-show "ldap-passwd-reset" --raw |grep 'homedirectory' |awk -F':' '{print $2}')
chown ldap-passwd-reset.ldap-passwd-reset $(ipa -n user-show "ldap-passwd-reset" --raw |grep 'homedirectory' |awk -F':' '{print $2}')
chmod 750 $(ipa -n user-show "ldap-passwd-reset" --raw |grep 'homedirectory' |awk -F':' '{print $2}')

Install App

  1. Install system dependencies:


yum install -y python-virtualenv python-pip python-ipaclient git-core


dnf install -y python3-virtualenv python3-pip python3-ipaclient git-core
  1. Clone repository to directory. (default is /opt/data/IPAPasswordReset/, but you can change it.):
git clone /opt/data/IPAPasswordReset/
  1. Create virtual env:


cd /opt/data/IPAPasswordReset/
virtualenv --system-site-packages ./virtualenv
. ./virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


cd /opt/data/IPAPasswordReset/
virtualenv-3 --system-site-packages ./virtualenv
. ./virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Get keytab for "ldap-passwd-reset" user (you must run it from user with admin privileges):
ipa-getkeytab -p ldap-passwd-reset -k /opt/data/IPAPasswordReset/ldap-passwd-reset.keytab
  1. chown files (change username if you use not default):
chown -R ldap-passwd-reset:ldap-passwd-reset /opt/data/IPAPasswordReset
  1. Install Apache config and reload httpd:
cp service/ipa-password-reset.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-password-reset.conf
systemctl reload httpd
  1. Install redis (you can skip this step and use external redis):
yum install -y redis
systemctl enable --now redis
  1. Copy file PasswordReset/PasswordReset/ to PasswordReset/PasswordReset/ and modify it. You should change following vars:
SECRET_KEY = "Your CSRF protection key. It must be long random string"
LDAP_USER = "LDAP user. Default is ldap-passwd-reset"
KEYTAB_PATH = "Path to ldap-passwd-reset keytab. Default is ../ldap-passwd-reset.keytab"
PROVIDERS = {...} # Configuration of 2FA providers like Amazon SNS (SMS), Email, Slack, Signal

  1. Install systemd unit and start the app:
cp service/ldap-passwd-reset.service /etc/systemd/system/ldap-passwd-reset.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now ldap-passwd-reset.service


  • Open https:/ (replace with your FreeIPA hostname)
  • Enter the user uid and click 'Reset Password'
  • On next page enter the security code from SMS and enter new password twice and click 'Reset'
  • Try to login to FreeIPA with new password


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