A C# PDF generator using Razor and Playwright. The idea is to use the compiled html from Razor Component and send it to Playwright for PDF generation.
Nuget packages aren't available at this stage. It is in early stage of development. However, welcome to raise issues or suggestions.
builder.Services.AddPdfTemplateEngine(config =>
config.UsePlaywrightGenerator(options =>
options.MinInstances = 1;
options.MaxInstances = 5;
options.IdleTimeoutMinutes = 30;
app.MapGet("/render-pdf", async (IPdfGenerator pdfGenerator) =>
var pdfBytes = await pdfGenerator.Generate<SampleComponent, SampleComponentModel>(new SampleComponentModel
Text = "Hello, world!"
return Results.File(
fileDownloadName: $"output_{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.pdf",
fileContents: pdfBytes,
contentType: "application/pdf");
app.MapGet("/render-html", async (
[AsParameters] SampleComponentModel model,
[FromServices] IPdfRenderer renderer) =>
var html = await renderer.Render<SampleComponent, SampleComponentModel>(model);
return Results.Content(html, contentType: "text/html");
SampleComponent is a Razor component and SampleComponentModel is a POCO class as the model
The model can be passed an API endpoint parameter and validated etc..
Razor Component's features won't be fully supported. However, using as a static html templating engine, it is good enough.