Author: Leandro Lima
Technologies: JavaEE7, AngularJs, Node.JS, Gulp, Bower
Java 8 Jdk or newer.
Wildfly 10 or newer. (Any JavaEE 7 Appserver will do)
Maven 3.3.3 or newer.
Nodejs 6.9.x
Npm 3.10.x
Gulp 3.X or newer
Gulp CLI 1.3 or newer
Bower 1.6.x or newer
Install Gulp, Gulp CLI and Bower
$ cd ./bitchat-frontend
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g gulp-cli
$ npm install -g bower
After install all plugins, execute this
$ npm install
$ bower install
Change the backend and websocket URL in index.js
.constant('BackendUrl', 'http://localhost:8080/bitchat')
.constant('WebsocketUrl', 'ws://localhost:8080/bitchat')
Execute the frontend project in production mode:
$ gulp serve:dist
And now build the backend project
$ cd ../bitchat-backend
$ mvn clean install
And deploy on Wildfly.
Swagger Docs in http://localhost:8080/bitchat
It's works fine ;)