Focus: ZSH (+oh-my-zsh), Git, Vim/MacVim
A few notes:
- I'm still missing an installer. I recommend cloning this repo to a .dotfiles dir in your home folder and symlinking it from there.
- Make sure to edit gitconfig to your needs/liking (name, email, github, etc)
- Don't expect perfection. This is (and will always be) a work in progress.
- I used submodules as much as I could for both Oh-My-ZSH and Vim plugins. Make use of them…
- A lot of this stuff has been collected over time from many sources. I only mention the sources when I felt it was something more "creative" as most of it is just plain "config talk" available via 'man' or something. If you feel I should've referenced you/your conf, please contact me.
- Fork it away. Submit bug fixes and suggestions.
- Enjoy. :)
For comments and feedback, ping me on Twitter.