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Templates for algorithms (Dijkstra, Union Find, etc.)

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Templates for algorithms and data structures

  • [KMP] - Finds the index of the first occurrence of string needle in string haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack. O(m+n) time.
  • [LIS] - Finds the length of the longest strictly increasing subsequence in an array. O(nlogn) time.
  • [MST] - Determines the min cost to connect all points in a edge-weighted undirected graph.
    • Kruskal's Algorithm - Uses min heap to pick the smallest edge, and union-find to check if the edge is redudant. Connects these edges until all points are connected.
    • Prim's Algorithm - Builds MST starting at some root. Pick the smallest edge from the MST to an unvisted node and connect edges until all points are connected.
  • [RangeQuery Mutable] - Allows for range query for a mutable array. Supports update and query.
    • Fenwick Tree - Data structure that can efficiently update elements and calculate prefix sums in a table of numbers. O(logn) update and query.
    • Segment Tree - Tree data structure that can allow for range query/update in O(logn) time.
  • [Shortest Path]
    • Bellman Ford - Used to find shortest path from a single source to all other nodes even with negative weight edges. Can also detect a negative cycle (implies no shortest path).
    • Dijkstra - Finds the shortest paths between nodes in a graph.
    • Floyd-Warshall - Finds the shortest paths between every pair of nodes in a graph.
  • [Trie]
    • Trie - Data structure that stores prefixes of strings in a tree structure.
    • Bitwise Trie - Data structure that stores prefixes of integers in a tree structure. Can find max XOR of a number with the integers in the trie.
  • [UnionFind] - Data structure used to determine the connected components in a graph.
  • Binary Lifting - Finds the lowest common ancestor of 2 nodes in O(logn) time.
  • GetPrimeFactors - Finds the prime factorization of a number.
  • PrimeSieve - Computes number of primes less than or equal to a number using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
  • QuickSelect - Returns the kth smallest number in an unsorted array in O(n) time on average.
  • Segment Tree - Tree data structure that stores information about intervals. Allows for updating and querying intervals in O(logn) time.
  • Tarjan's - Finds the critical edges of a graph (an edge that will disconnect parts of the graph when rememoved) in O(|v| + |e|) time.
  • Topological Sort - Finds an linear ordering of a graph, such that for every edge u->v, u comes before v in the graph.
  • gcd - Finds the greatest common divisor of 2 numbers using Euclidean's algorithm.
  • pow - Raises a number n to the kth power (using mods for larger numbers).


Templates for algorithms (Dijkstra, Union Find, etc.)






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