📖 A brief introduction to the project build evacuee model with big data techniques. Include the installation instructions for each application and result demonstration.
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To learn more details about this task, see task1-report.
After cloning the repository, navigate to the root directory by typing in the following command in the terminal:
cd directory_to_Lab1/lab-1-group-09
Then start the sbt container in the root folder; it should start an interactive sbt process. Here, we can compile the sources by writing the compile command.
docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/root sbt sbt
sbt:Lab1 >compile
Now we are set up to run our program! Consider an integer that represents the height of the rising sea level (unit: meter).
Use the run height
command to start the process, and you can get information like the image below. This way of running the spark application is mainly used for testing.
sbt:Lab1 >run 5
Next, we will introduce another way of building and running this Spark application, enabling developers to inspect the event log on the spark history server.
By using the spark-submit
command, we set the application to run on a local Spark "cluster." Since we have already built the JAR, all we need to do is to run the code below:
docker run -it --rm -v "`pwd`":/io -v "`pwd`"/spark-events:/spark-events spark-submit --packages 'com.uber:h3:3.7.0' target/scala-2.12/lab-1_2.12-1.0.jar height
To learn more details about this task, see task2-report.
The application is executed via Planet.jar
, a fat JAR file packaged by the sbt-assembly plugin. First log in to your AWS account.
Then it will come to the AWS management console, from which customers can get access to a variety of services that AWS provides. The one we use to run our Spark application is Elastic MapReduce(EMR). Type EMR
in the search bar and click the link to the first result. Here, we can run our application in Spark cluster mode.
To create a cluster, the types and numbers of node instances we used to run our application on the Planet data set is listed below:
Node type | Instance Type | Number of instances |
Master node | c5.2xlarge | 1 |
Core node | c5.24xlarge | 4 |
The final step is to add a step to the cluster. Choose Spark application as "Step type". Copy and paste the following configures into the "Spark-submit options" part. Select "Application location" from the S3 bucket and add an integer in "Arguments" to represent the rising sea level. Click "Add" and it is all set!
--conf "spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold=-1"
--conf "spark.sql.broadcastTimeout=36000"
--conf "spark.yarn.am.waitTime=36000"
--conf "spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=1"
To learn more details about this task, see task3-report.
The following library dependencies should be added to transformer/build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.circe" %% "circe-core" % "0.14.1",
"io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % "0.14.1",
"io.circe" %% "circe-parser" % "0.14.1" ,
Open a terminal 1, git clone the project repo to /home, run docker-compose up
in the project root directory. After all the servers be started up, open another terminal and run docker-compose exec transformer sbt
under root directory.
to open interactive sbt terminal. When the producer starts to produce steady input stream in "events" topic like following:
events_1 | 1810821 {"timestamp":1634500171928,"city_id":1810821,"city_name":"Fuzhou","refugees":2953}
events_1 | 5506956 {"timestamp":1634500172053,"city_id":5506956,"city_name":"Las Vegas","refugees":99498}
events_1 | 1793505 {"timestamp":1634500172548,"city_id":1793505,"city_name":"Taizhou","refugees":12371}
events_1 | 1627896 {"timestamp":1634500172679,"city_id":1627896,"city_name":"Semarang","refugees":114243}
events_1 | 1258662 {"timestamp":1634500173010,"city_id":1258662,"city_name":"Rāmgundam","refugees":0}
compile the code:
sbt:Transformer> compile
run the transformer by passing command line argument: window size N (seconds). Here the window size is set to 2 seconds. Note that the input argument should be a positive integer, otherwise it will be rejected by the type-check procedure and the kafka context will be shut down
sbt:Transformer> run 2
The transformer will start to transform the input stream and write to output topic "updates".
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