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Labgrid LXA TAC Test Suite

This repository contains the lagrid-based test suite for the LXA TAC.

This test suite serves two purposes:

  • It is used to find regressions during development and to help us decide if a revision is fit for release.
  • As an example how labgrid can be used to test an Embedded Linux device-under-test (DUT).

What's in this Repository

  • tests/: Contains the actual pytest tests.
  • Is the labgrid strategy, that controls the state of the DUT.
  • pytest configuration. Mostly the states of the strategy exported as pytest fixtures.
  • lxatac-vanilla.yaml: Minimal labgrid environment to run most of the tests in this repository. This environment can be used as a starting point to run these tests yourself.
  • lxatac-vanilla-eet.yaml: Extended labgrid environment that additionally uses an Ethmux and a custom test device to test even more features of the LXA TAC.
  • lxatac-ptx.yaml: labgrid environment used to test the Pengutronix-internal flavor of meta-lxatac.
  • and agents/ labgrid driver and agent for the custom test device.
  • contrib/: Additional configuration for the custom test device.
  • reproducers/: Scripts that use labgrid to reproduce some specific state or bug on the LXA TAC. These scripts are usually written in a one-off fashion and only used at the time of writing.

How to run these tests

To run these tests yourself, you will need the following:

  • A functioning labgrid remote infrastructure.
  • A labgrid setup providing the minimum resources needed (see below). This can, of course, be an LXA TAC.
  • An LXA TAC as DUT.
  • Artifacts from a meta-lxatac build.

The minimum resources needed to control an LXA TAC DUT are:

  • Power Switch: Used to switch the 12 V to the DUT on/off. Used to control the power state of the DUT.
  • Serial Port: Connected to the debug serial power on the DUT. Used to have a shell in Bootloader and Linux.
  • DFUDevice and AndroidFastboot: Connected to the USB-C (device) port of the DUT. Used to load the initial bootloader to RAM and to download the initial contents of the eMMC.
  • Digital Output (PIO): Connected to the boot1-signal on the baseboard. Used to force the DUT into serial download mode on power on. (See meta-lxatac README for details.)
  • HTTPProvider: An HTTP-Server that can be used by labgrid to serve images to the DUT. Used to test streaming updates using RAUC.

Optionally the following resource should be attached:

  • USB Mass Storage: The test test_labgrid_resources_usb assumes that a USB mass storage device is connected to one of the host ports.

The labgrid environments provided here are the ones used during development and thus contain settings specific to our lab. However, the lxatac-vanialla.yml is a good starting point to configure your own environment. Make sure to adapt the following settings to your setup:

  • RemotePlace: Use the name of the labgrid place containing the minimum resources (without the HTTPProvider).
  • NetworkService: Use the hostname of the DUT as it can be used on your exporters and test-runners.
  • RemoteHTTPProvider: Use the settings of your own HTTP server.
  • images: Make sure to point these paths to the actual build artifacts.

Afterwards you can lock the labgrid place and run the tests:

labgrid-client -c lxatac-vanilla.yaml lock
pytest -vv --lg-env=lxatac-vanialla.yaml --lg-colored-steps --lg-log tests/


Labgrid test suite for the LXA TAC







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