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Fix test harness execution #283

Fix test harness execution

Fix test harness execution #283

GitHub Actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports succeeded Nov 12, 2024 in 0s

114 passed, 28 failed and 16 skipped

Tests failed

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
target/surefire-reports/TEST-ContributedExtensionHarnessSuite.xml 261s
target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml 105✅ 28❌ 16⚪ 252s
target/surefire-reports/ 9✅ 10s

✅ target/surefire-reports/TEST-ContributedExtensionHarnessSuite.xml

No tests found

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ContributedExtensionHarnessSuite 261s

❌ target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

149 tests were completed in 252s with 105 passed, 28 failed and 16 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests 105✅ 28❌ 16⚪ 252s

❌ liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests

✅ apply addAutoIncrement against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply addCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addColumn against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addDefaultValue against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addDefaultValueBoolean against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addDefaultValueComputed against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addDefaultValueDate against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addDefaultValueNumeric against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addDefaultValueSequenceNext against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addForeignKey against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addLookupTable against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addNotNullConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply addPrimaryKey against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply addUniqueConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply alterSequence against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply createFunction against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply createIndex against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply createPackage against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply createPackageBody against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply createProcedure against yugabytedb 2.16
	Condition failed with Exception:
❌ apply createProcedureFromFile against yugabytedb 2.16
	Condition failed with Exception:
✅ apply createSequence against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply createTable against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply createTableDataTypeText against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply createTableTimestamp against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply createTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply createView against yugabytedb 2.16
	Condition failed with Exception:
✅ apply datatypes.arrays against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.binary against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.bitstring against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.boolean against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.character against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.datetime against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.geometric against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.json against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.numeric against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.serial against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.smallint against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.uuid against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply datatypes.xml against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply disableCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply disableTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropAllForeignKeyConstraints against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply dropCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropColumn against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropDefaultValue against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropForeignKey against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply dropFunction against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropIndex against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropNotNullConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply dropPrimaryKey against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropProcedure against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropSequence against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropTable against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply dropTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply dropUniqueConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply dropView against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply enableCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply enableTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply executeCommand against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply mergeColumns against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply modifyDataType against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply modifySql against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply renameColumn against yugabytedb 2.16
⚪ apply renameSequence against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply renameTable against yugabytedb 2.16
❌ apply renameTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply renameView against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply setColumnRemarks against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply setTableRemarks against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply sql against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply sqlFile against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply addAutoIncrement against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply addCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addColumn against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addDefaultValue against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addDefaultValueBoolean against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addDefaultValueComputed against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addDefaultValueDate against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addDefaultValueNumeric against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addDefaultValueSequenceNext against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addForeignKey against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addLookupTable against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply addNotNullConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply addPrimaryKey against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply addUniqueConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply alterSequence against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply createFunction against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply createIndex against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply createPackage against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply createPackageBody against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply createProcedure against yugabytedb 2.17
	Condition failed with Exception:
❌ apply createProcedureFromFile against yugabytedb 2.17
	Condition failed with Exception:
✅ apply createSequence against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply createTable against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply createTableDataTypeText against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply createTableTimestamp against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply createTrigger against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply createView against yugabytedb 2.17
	Condition failed with Exception:
✅ apply datatypes.arrays against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.binary against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.bitstring against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.boolean against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.character against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.datetime against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.geometric against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.json against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.numeric against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.serial against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.smallint against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.uuid against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply datatypes.xml against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply disableCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply disableTrigger against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropAllForeignKeyConstraints against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply dropCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropColumn against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropDefaultValue against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropForeignKey against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply dropFunction against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropIndex against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropNotNullConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply dropPrimaryKey against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropProcedure against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropSequence against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropTable against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply dropTrigger against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply dropUniqueConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply dropView against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply enableCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply enableTrigger against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply executeCommand against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply mergeColumns against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply modifyDataType against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply modifySql against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply renameColumn against yugabytedb 2.17
⚪ apply renameSequence against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply renameTable against yugabytedb 2.17
❌ apply renameTrigger against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply renameView against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply setColumnRemarks against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply setTableRemarks against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply sql against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply sqlFile against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version

✅ target/surefire-reports/

9 tests were completed in 10s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 9✅ 10s


✅ apply delete against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply insert against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply loadData against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply loadUpdateData against yugabytedb 2.16
✅ apply delete against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply insert against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply loadData against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply loadUpdateData against yugabytedb 2.17
✅ apply #testInput.changeData against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version


Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply addCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:addCheckConstraint' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/addCheckConstraint.xml::1::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:addCheckConstraint' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/addCheckConstraint.xml::1::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createFunction against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createFunction' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createFunction.xml::1::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createFunction' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createFunction.xml::1::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createPackage against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createPackage' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createPackage.xml::1::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createPackage' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createPackage.xml::1::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createPackageBody against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createPackageBody' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createPackageBody.xml::1::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createPackageBody' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createPackageBody.xml::1::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createProcedure against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-11-12T21:50:48.843",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "11.2-YB-",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "yugabytedb",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "11",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "2",
|                                 |                       "user": "yugabyte",
|                                 |                       "productName": "PostgreSQL",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/lbcat"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "lbcat",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01364"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "defaultValue": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP!{liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction}",
|                                 |                             "name": "added",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01388",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01368",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01397",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01399",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "int4"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "birthdate",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01387",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "date"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "comments",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01375",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "content",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01397",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01402",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "2147483647!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "text"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "contexts",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01378",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "dateexecuted",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01370",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "deployment_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01380",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "description",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01374",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "description",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01397",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01401",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "500!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "500!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "email",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01386",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "100!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "100!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "exectype",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01372",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "filename",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01369",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "first_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01384",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "autoIncrementInformation": {
|                                 |                               "incrementBy": "1!{java.math.BigInteger}",
|                                 |                               "startWith": "1!{java.math.BigInteger}"
|                                 |                             },
|                                 |                             "name": "id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01383",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "serial"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01367",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01390",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01392",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "int4"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "autoIncrementInformation": {
|                                 |                               "incrementBy": "1!{java.math.BigInteger}",
|                                 |                               "startWith": "1!{java.math.BigInteger}"
|                                 |                             },
|                                 |                             "name": "id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01397",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01398",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "serial"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "inserted_date",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01397",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01403",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "date"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "labels",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01379",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "last_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01385",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "liquibase",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "11!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01377",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "20!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "20!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "locked",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01390",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01393",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "1!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "-7!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "bool"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "lockedby",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01390",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01395",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "lockgranted",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01390",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01394",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "md5sum",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "7!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01373",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "35!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "35!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "orderexecuted",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01371",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "int4"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "tag",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01366",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01376",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "title",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01397",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01400",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Index": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "index": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               {
|                                 |                                 "column": {
|                                 |                                   "name": "id"
|                                 |                                 }
|                                 |                               }
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01382",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381",
|                                 |                             "unique": true
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "index": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               {
|                                 |                                 "column": {
|                                 |                                   "name": "id"
|                                 |                                 }
|                                 |                               }
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01391",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01390",
|                                 |                             "unique": true
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "backingIndex": "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01382",
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01383"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01389",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01381"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "backingIndex": "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01391",
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01392"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01396",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01390"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "schema": {
|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#6bd01364",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "public",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01365"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01383",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01384",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01385",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01386",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01387",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01388"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "indexes": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01382"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#6bd01389",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01365",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01381"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01367",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01368",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01369",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01370",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01371",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01372",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01373",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01374",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01375",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01376",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01377",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01378",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01379",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01380"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangelog",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01365",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01366"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01392",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01393",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01394",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01395"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "indexes": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01391"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#6bd01396",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01365",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01390"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01398",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01399",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01400",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01401",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01402",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01403"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01365",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01397"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Sequence",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.StoredProcedure": [
|                                         {
|                                           "storedProcedure": {
|                                             "name": "TEST_PROCEDURE"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.AssertionError: snapshot.objects
Expected: liquibase.structure.core.StoredProcedure
     but none found
	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: snapshot.objects
Expected: liquibase.structure.core.StoredProcedure
     but none found

	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createProcedureFromFile against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-11-12T21:50:51.015",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "11.2-YB-",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "yugabytedb",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "11",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "2",
|                                 |                       "user": "yugabyte",
|                                 |                       "productName": "PostgreSQL",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/lbcat"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "lbcat",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01449"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "defaultValue": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP!{liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction}",
|                                 |                             "name": "added",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01466",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01473",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01451",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01453",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01482",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01484",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "int4"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "birthdate",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01466",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01472",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "date"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "comments",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01451",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01460",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "content",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01482",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01487",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "2147483647!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "text"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "contexts",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01451",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01463",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "dateexecuted",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01451",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01455",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangelog",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01450",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01451"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01477",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01478",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01479",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01480"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "indexes": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01476"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#6bd01481",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01450",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01475"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01483",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01484",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01485",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01486",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01487",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01488"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "posts",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01450",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01482"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                       "snapshotControl": {
|                                 |                         "includedType": [
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Column",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Index",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Schema",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Sequence",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.Table",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint",
|                                 |                           "liquibase.structure.core.View"
|                                 |                         ]
|                                 |                         
|                                 |                       }
|                                 |                     }
|                                 |                   }
|                                 |                 }
|                                 {
|                                   "snapshot": {
|                                     "objects": {
|                                       "liquibase.structure.core.StoredProcedure": [
|                                         {
|                                           "storedProcedure": {
|                                             "name": "TEST_PROCEDURE"
|                                           }
|                                         }
|                                       ]
|                                     }
|                                   }
|                                 }
java.lang.AssertionError: snapshot.objects
Expected: liquibase.structure.core.StoredProcedure
     but none found
	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)

	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:80)
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: snapshot.objects
Expected: liquibase.structure.core.StoredProcedure
     but none found

	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert.assertEquals(
	at liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(SnapshotHelpers.groovy:22)
	... 1 more

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createTrigger' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createTrigger.xml::2::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     1 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createTrigger' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/createTrigger.xml::2::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply createView against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
  Condition failed with Exception:
Raw output
Condition failed with Exception:

snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
|                                 |                 |
|                                 |                 {
|                                 |                   "snapshot": {
|                                 |                     "created": "2024-11-12T21:51:01.374",
|                                 |                     "database": {
|                                 |                       "productVersion": "11.2-YB-",
|                                 |                       "shortName": "yugabytedb",
|                                 |                       "majorVersion": "11",
|                                 |                       "minorVersion": "2",
|                                 |                       "user": "yugabyte",
|                                 |                       "productName": "PostgreSQL",
|                                 |                       "url": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/lbcat"
|                                 |                     },
|                                 |                     "objects": {
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "catalog": {
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "lbcat",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01915"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Column": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "defaultValue": "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP!{liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction}",
|                                 |                             "name": "added",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01932",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01939",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01919",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "author_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01948",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01950",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "int4"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "birthdate",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01932",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01938",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "13!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "91!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "date"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "comments",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "9!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01926",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "content",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "5!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01948",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01953",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "2147483647!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "text"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "contexts",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01929",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "dateexecuted",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01921",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "29!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "timestamp"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "deployment_id",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "14!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01931",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "description",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "8!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01925",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "description",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01948",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01952",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "500!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "500!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "email",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01932",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01937",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "100!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "100!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "email",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.View#6bd01955",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01959",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "100!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "100!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "exectype",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "6!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01923",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "filename",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01920",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "first_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01932",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01935",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "first_name",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "2!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.View#6bd01955",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01957",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "50!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01941",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01945",
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|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "93!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
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|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "orderexecuted",
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|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01922",
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|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "4!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
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|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "tag",
|                                 |                             "nullable": true,
|                                 |                             "order": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01917",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01927",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "column": {
|                                 |                             "name": "title",
|                                 |                             "nullable": false,
|                                 |                             "order": "3!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                             "relation": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01948",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01951",
|                                 |                             "type": {
|                                 |                               "characterOctetLength": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSize": "255!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "columnSizeUnit": "BYTE!{liquibase.structure.core.DataType$ColumnSizeUnit}",
|                                 |                               "dataTypeId": "12!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "radix": "10!{java.lang.Integer}",
|                                 |                               "typeName": "varchar"
|                                 |                             }
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Index": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "index": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               {
|                                 |                                 "column": {
|                                 |                                   "name": "id"
|                                 |                                 }
|                                 |                               }
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01933",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01932",
|                                 |                             "unique": true
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "index": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               {
|                                 |                                 "column": {
|                                 |                                   "name": "id"
|                                 |                                 }
|                                 |                               }
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01942",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01941",
|                                 |                             "unique": true
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "backingIndex": "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01933",
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01934"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01940",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01932"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "primaryKey": {
|                                 |                             "backingIndex": "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01942",
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01943"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock_pkey",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01947",
|                                 |                             "table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#6bd01941"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Schema": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "schema": {
|                                 |                             "catalog": "liquibase.structure.core.Catalog#6bd01915",
|                                 |                             "default": true,
|                                 |                             "name": "public",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01916"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         }
|                                 |                       ]
|                                 |                       ,
|                                 |                       "liquibase.structure.core.Table": [
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01934",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01935",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01936",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01937",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01938",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01939"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "indexes": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01933"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "authors",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#6bd01940",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01916",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01932"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01918",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01919",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01920",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01921",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01922",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01923",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01924",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01925",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01926",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01927",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01928",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01929",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01930",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01931"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangelog",
|                                 |                             "schema": "liquibase.structure.core.Schema#6bd01916",
|                                 |                             "snapshotId": "6bd01917"
|                                 |                           }
|                                 |                         },
|                                 |                         {
|                                 |                           "table": {
|                                 |                             "columns": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01943",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01944",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01945",
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Column#6bd01946"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "default_tablespace": false,
|                                 |                             "indexes": [
|                                 |                               "liquibase.structure.core.Index#6bd01942"
|                                 |                             ]
|                                 |                             ,
|                                 |                             "name": "databasechangeloglock",
|                                 |                             "primaryKey": "liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey#6bd01947",
|                                 |               ...

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply disableTrigger against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createTrigger' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/disableTrigger.xml::2::as
          Changeset ID: 3 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:disableTrigger' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/disableTrigger.xml::3::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createTrigger' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/disableTrigger.xml::2::as
          Changeset ID: 3 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:disableTrigger' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/disableTrigger.xml::3::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply dropCheckConstraint against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:addCheckConstraint' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropCheckConstraint.xml::1::as
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:dropCheckConstraint' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropCheckConstraint.xml::2::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:addCheckConstraint' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropCheckConstraint.xml::1::as
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:dropCheckConstraint' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropCheckConstraint.xml::2::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Check failure on line 0 in target/surefire-reports/TEST-liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.xml

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Liquibase Test Harness - Contributed Reports

liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests ► apply dropFunction against yugabytedb 2.16

Failed test found in:
Raw output
liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createFunction' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropFunction.xml::1::as
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:dropFunction' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropFunction.xml::2::as

	at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
	at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:58)
	Suppressed: org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
     2 changes have validation failures
          Changeset ID: 1 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:createFunction' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropFunction.xml::1::as
          Changeset ID: 2 Changeset Author: as
Change Type 'pro:dropFunction' is not allowed without a valid Liquibase Pro License.
To purchase or renew a Liquibase Pro license key, please contact [email protected] or
go to, liquibase/harness/change/changelogs/dropFunction.xml::2::as

		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.executeCommandScope(TestUtils.groovy:66)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackToDate.performRollback(RollbackToDate.groovy:21)
		at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v8.IndyInterface.fromCache(
		at liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.$spock_feature_0_0(ChangeObjectTests.groovy:89)
		at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.util.ReflectionUtil.invokeMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.lambda$new$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeatureMethod(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunIteration$5(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.IterationNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureChildExecutor.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner$1.runIteration(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.extension.IDataDriver.lambda$static$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformParameterizedSpecRunner.runParameterizedFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.ParameterizedFeatureNode.execute(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunFeature$4(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runFeature(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.FeatureNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpockNode.sneakyInvoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.lambda$around$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.lambda$createMethodInfoForDoRunSpec$0(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.model.MethodInfo.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invokeRaw(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.invoke(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.PlatformSpecRunner.runSpec(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at org.spockframework.runtime.SpecNode.around(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(