gulp 简体中文文档
- 入门指南 - 如何开始使用 gulp
- API 文档 - 学习 gulp 的输入和输出方式
- CLI 文档 - 学习如何执行任务(task)以及如何使用一些编译工具
- 编写插件 - 所以,你已经在写一个 gulp 插件了么? 去这儿看一些基本文档,并了解下什么样的事情不应该做
- 英文文档 - gulp Elglish documentation.
- 西班牙语文档 - gulp en Español.
- 韩文文档 - gulp 한국어 참조 문서.
常见问题,请查看 FAQ。
社区中对于常用的一些 gulp 应用场景已经有了一些现成的秘籍 recipes
到 StackOverflow 发一个带有 #gulp 标签的问题,或者在 Freenode 上的 #gulpjs IRC 频道寻求帮助。
- Tagtree intro to gulp video
- Introduction to node.js streams
- Video introduction to node.js streams
- Getting started with gulp (by @markgdyr)
- A cheatsheet for gulp
- Why you shouldn’t create a gulp plugin (or, how to stop worrying and learn to love existing node packages)
- Inspiration (slides) about why gulp was made
- Building With Gulp
- Gulp - The Basics (screencast)
- Get started with gulp (video series)
- Optimize your web code with gulp
- Automate Your Tasks Easily with Gulp.js
All the documentation is covered by the CC0 license (do whatever you want with it - public domain).
To the extent possible under law, Fractal has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.