tesco.pdf -> rtf (-> copy and paste into txt file
ICICI statements copy from pdf and paste into text file merge lines so 3 line records become 2 split single line records to be 2 lines
tesco copy from pdf and paste into text file
check for items > 10, might need to be split check for items on weekend excluded subsitence on weekend..? cross check with paper receipts statement name in data - done taxi cash receipts rebuildingsociety/funding circle statements personal debit card transactions..?
- return trip
- for any day with bath road receipt
- only a few days in this tax year
- day of interviews 19th august 22nd august
- import tesco expenses from csv could import by type so can categorise/tag them or can add extra column to be used for category
- merge expenses non-merged expenses must be cash
- export to csv (what about columns for spreadsheet) could have different tag and use different layout for different tags expensify has less columns, so might have loss of data
- create report might want to do this by month so report is not too big
expensify (without importing to expensify)
- export to csv
- process to format suitable for spreadsheet
- merge with expenses csv
- create report might want to do this by month so report is not too big
Lets use use traditional spreadsheet as it will be less work column format: date, statement, receipt num, description, amount, %, currency conv,
icici statements into spreadsheet
merge savings and current
copying from pdf to txt file big problem with this is that the columns for credit and debit are not preserved so not easy to work out the sign
15034.3 need to account for this invoice differently as its not entirly income
bromley canteen done