Please fork this repo and follow the instructions below to complete the test.
The sprint is arround 1.5hours long. It begins when you received this repo and will end once you issue a pull request back to it. Please make commits as you go (> 1, < 100).
As a separate application, I would like to be able to add, retrieve, remove and update Cars in your application via a RESTFul API.
- Unless the README contains alternative steps to expose your endpoint over http, we will expect a WAR file (which we will test using a Wildfly application server).
- If the story needs to be broken down to fit into the sprint it is wise to do so.
Priority order is:
- add
- retrieve
- remove
- update
- My Car has the following attributes:
- Id*
- Make
- Model
- Year of manufacture
- Entry Date*
- We do not require persistent storage (in-memory is fine).
*generated by the application on entry
- Add/stub-out unit tests
- Add/stub-out integration tests
- Add persistent storage of any kind
You can use whatever online resources you want (aside from copy-pasting large chunks of code, obviously).
You are encouraged to use any frameworks etc you feel comfortable with.