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##Assignment 1 (DUE 2/4)
- Sign up for the google group mailing list.
- Find your favorite conversation in a movie, TV show, or book. Post a link to a video clip (or the text if it's from a book, you will read it to the class). Be prepared to explain what you like about it.
####Conversation links
- Chang Liu - Love Actually Thomas Sangster & Liam Neeson Scene *Love Actually Lake Scene,from 2:00 *Love Actually Mark, from2:06
- Craig Pickard - "Fuck you" - Edward Norton's monologue in 25th hour
- David Cihelna - Milkshake - There Will Be Blood
- Diana Freed - Yada, Yada
- Jeff Ong - "A Serious Man - Clive" 0:00 - 2:20
- Melissa Kang - Transparent - The Letting Go (0:00-2:36)
- Joanna Wrzaszczyk - Crave, A's monologue
- Karam Byun - "A Stab in the Back" - Olan Rogers (Cat Day | Cat Trust)
- Karthik Patanjali - Inglourious Basterds - The Pub scene
- Oryan Inbar - [Startrek] (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ogwtVdHQJg4/UB5s8WoZXKI/AAAAAAAACG0/hRqV9X4hnAo/s320/star-trek-nodding.gif) ALSO Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Ross Goodwin - Internet Story | The Broom of the System by David Foster Wallace
- Sam Lavigne - United Red Army (The Young Man Was, Part 1)
- Seth Kranzler - Dr Phil with no dialogue
- Tigran Paravyan - ["Birdman" / Relevant] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bNgwFKGIT8) +++ "The Fight Club" / 04.40 - 06.54 / Consuming Society
- Yu Ji - Moonrise Kingdom “What kind of bird are you?”
- Manxue Wang - "Ten Minutes Older : 100 Flowers Hidden Deep"
- Songee Hahn - "God Bless America"/ "Marc Maron : The Social Media Generation"
- Seiya Kobayashi - link name
- Ava Huang - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Ending
##Assignment 2 (DUE 4/15)
Review the readings and videos about Gamergate in preparation for Caroline Sinders presentation next week: https://github.com/lmccart/itp-convo-comp/wiki/Public-conversation#from-caroline-sinders-prep
Find one interesting aspect of online or public conversation to present to the class next week (~3-5 mins). This could be an online community/website, a particular event or conversation in the media, an app, an essay, a project or intervention, or anything else. Plan to spend ~3-5 minutes introducing the thing, giving a brief overview of what it is, how it works, and why you find it interesting or important.
- Cici - Miao Jiaxin - Banksy sell his work
- Craig - Trevor Noah replacing John Stewart
- Ava - Take a Seat - Make a Friend?
- David - Neil Young & Lossless
- Karthik - Net neutrality campaign in India
- Soni - hitRECord / Grindr
- Oryan - [Normal preference] (http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-06-03/opinion/ct-perspec-0605-metra-20110603_1_commuters-quiet-cars-metra-reports)
- Karam - DoubleFineAdventure
- Manxue - Street Compliment
- Ross - 4chan's /pol/ discussion board (WARNING: EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE)
- Seth - [an argument between a pro gamergater and a bot] (https://archive.today/vrE5j) more context [here] (http://www.newsweek.com/one-womans-new-tool-stop-gamergate-harassment-twitter-288008)
##Project 1 (DUE 2/18)
Create something that responds to the themes of this unit (language analysis, automation, generation). It can take any form you like, app, performance, video, website, visualization, sound, etc. Consider carefully the documentation. Be prepared to present to the class on 2/18.
####Project 1 documentation
- Cici & Oryan - Emo-Chat
- Craig - Self-conscious digital art
- Sam Top 66 Must-Do Tips For HUMINT Collectors
- Ross Dr. Gonzo (Hunter S. Thompson Therapist Bot)
- Jeff jffng_bot
- Ava The Wave of Speech
- Seth Converself *David Converself 2
- Manxue Who's the happiest guy in the world?
##Project 2 (DUE 4/1)
Create something that responds to the themes of this unit (physical augmentation, analysis, virtual/physical, alternatives). It can take any form you like, app, performance, video, website, visualization, sound, etc. Consider carefully the documentation. Be prepared to present to the class on 3/25. Some ideas:
- Create a device that acts as an adaptor, improving, filtering, or mediating conversation between you and another person.
- Create a social prosthetic that allows you to express yourself differently in the world.
- Create an object that serves as the centerpiece for a conversation.
- Analyze some physical aspect of a conversation, provide realtime feedback.
- Create some artifact or visualization based on the analysis of some physical aspect of conversation.
- Create a new type of physically-based conversation.
- Create a protective device for conversation.
####Project 2 documentation
- Ava - BRF Chatroom
- David - YouTube celebrity experiment
- Ross - word.camera
- Seth - [exchange] (http://www.skranzler.com/blog/2015/4/5/exchange)
- Cici&Oryan Scent of Conversation
- Melissa&Soni SpitShield
- Craig - [RipCord Anti-Dating App] (http://www.craigwentdigital.com/2015/05/conversation-and-computation-project-2/)
##Project 3 (DUE 5/3)
Choose a topic you would like to have a conversation about. Create an experience for a group of people that engages them with this topic. It should involve computation in some way. It is recommended you work in groups of 2 or 3. Some questions to get you started:
- What do you want to talk about? How might you communicate that, or provoke others to think about it?
- How might you use technology to reveal something we don't normally see?
- Can technology be an "excuse" or a reason to take a conversation someplace you wouldn't normally?
- How can performance allow you to have a conversation you wouldn't normally?
- What about feedback?
- What can you do with a group in conversation that you can't do with just a few individuals?
- Can you extend something you've already been working on in some way? Could you perform with one of the things you've made?
- 4/8 - Group chosen, topic of conversation decided. Some ideas about what form your project might take. If you anticipate it being technically complex, you should have the idea nailed down at this point.
- 4/15 - Specific project details decided, begin execution.
- 4/22 - Project complete, ready for dry run in class.
- 5/3 - Final event, perform project.
####Project 3 documentation
- Cici&Oryan&Ava - Social Clinic
- Manxue, Craig, Karthik, David this.mirror
- Craig this.mirror