Logalimacs is frontend of logaling-command for Ruby gem.
put below configuration to your .emacs. Note that see requirements.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/logalimacs_clone_directory")
(autoload 'loga-lookup-in-popup "logalimacs" nil t)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-:") 'loga-lookup-in-popup)
If possible Emacs24, types M-x list-packages, and it can install from items. If it is only be as where global-set-key~ to be autoloaded.
Logalimacs requires logaling-command. To install, see below.(gene95:English-Japanese,edict:Japanese-English)
% gem install logaling-command
% loga import gene95
% loga import edict
Put below configuration into your ~/.logaling/config, If you translate from English to Japanese.
--glossary your-glossary-name
--source-language en
--target-language ja