There is a client and a server that communicate to make up this app.
Both are configured with hot reloading so when a file is saved, they should automatically recompile and load the newest version.
This is configured to run on node 22.
Install dependencies with:
npm i
Assign the correct port in page.tsx
Run this VSCode command (Ctrl + Shift + P) to see what port 8080 was forwarded to:
View: Toggle Ports
Update the value here here to be the correct port
Run the React client with:
npm run dev
The client should be accessible here: http://localhost:3000/
Tests can be run with:
npm run test
Install dependencies with:
npm i
Run the Express server with:
npm run dev
Tests can be run with:
npm run test
The server is running internally (in the docker container) on port 8080 but that will not be forwarded to the browser in your host machine.