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This is a broker quota plugin for Apache Kafka to allow setting a per-broker limits statically in the broker configuration.
The default quota plugin in Apache Kafka will hand out a unique quota per client. This plugin will configure a total quota independent of the number of clients. For example, if you have configured a produce quota of 40 MB/second, and you have 10 producers running as fast as possible, they will be limited by 4 MB/second each.
The quota distribution across clients is not static. If you have a max of 40 MB/second, 2 producers, and one of them is producing messages at 10 MB/second, the second producer will be throttled at 30 MB/second.
To build the plugin:
./gradlew jar
Copy the resulting jar in build/libs/kafka-static-quota-plugin-0.1.jar
into the Kafka classpath.
Alternatively, you can publish to your local maven repository with:
./gradlew publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal
Configure Kafka to load the plugin and some plugin properties:
# The quota is given in bytes, and will translate to bytes/sec in total for your clients.
# Storage quota settings in bytes. Clients will be throttled linearly between produce quota and 0
# after soft limit.
# Check storage usage every 5 seconds
Run it locally (make sure your enables the reporter):
CLASSPATH=/path/to/build/libs/kafka-static-quota-plugin-all.jar ./bin/