OrdersDashboard is a project thought to help e-commerces and business owners in general to manage incoming orders. Every time a new booking is realized, it can be seen in the orders table. If needed, a new order can be added manually by the user.
Vite + React + Redux
NodeJS + Express
MongoDB + Mongoose ODM
- bcrypt: hashes passwords
- validator: validates email addresses
- jsonwebtokens: creates and verifies tokens
- cookie-parser: parses cookies
- cors: handles cross-origin resource sharing
- dotenv: handles environmental variables
- nodemon: runs the server
- mongoose: ODM
Provides a showcase to the customers so they can have an idea of the general features and user interface.
Creates new user or sign existing users in.
Here the user can see all the orders, keep track, and update several changing statuses - Delivery status, payment status, and fulfillment status.
The orders are coming straight from the users' e-commerce, but the application also offers the possibility to book a new order manually.
JWT tokens are used in two different situations:
- requires the user to be Authenticated before loading the orders.
- Decoding the token before every get request and checking if the user has permission to access the requested data. (Not yet complete.)
CORS are enabled. Orders coming from a different URL will only be accepted if the external URL is specified in your .ENV file and the env variable is included in the origin array in the index.js file (in the server.)
install all frontend dependencies
Assign '' to the VITE_BASE_URL
env variable.
Runs the app in development mode.
Open to view it in your browser.
ATTENTION: It has to be instead of localhost due to CORS.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.
install all backend dependencies
Assign '' to the DASHBOARD_CLIENT
env variable.
If you are willing to receive orders from an external URL, create variables from those URLs as well.
Add all of them to the origin array in the index.js file.
Make sure your URI is correct in the db.js files (You must have created your own MongoDB instance.)
Runs the app in development mode.
Open to view it in your browser.