This is a template for a monorepo that uses best practices for TypeScript, Web Services and React.
It is what @bhouston considers best practice in November 2024.

- Mono-repository using NPM workspaces
- TypeScript for type safety
- ES Modules for fast builds
- NodeNext node resolution
- React for UI
- Tailwindcss for styling
- Both react and vanilla JS libraries
- Command line, React app, and web server
- Vite for Bundling, CSS Handling, Live Reloading.
- Remix for router, SSR
- Fastify for server with file-based router
- Hot reload of React
- Auto service restart for the web server*
- NX for managing the monorepo dependencies in parallel builds
- Prettier for code formatting
- ESLint for linting
- Incremental and caching builds via NX.
- VSCode will auto-format on save and paste.
- Node:test testing
- Github action CI
- Temporarily disabled with move to Fastify.
- Clone this repository
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm run test
to run all tests
- Run
npm run dev
to start the hot reload development server & build watchers
- Run
npm run build
to build the source
- Run
npx cmdline-app
to run the CLI example