If you're looking to collaborate and add images to mac10.pro's image blog, related to gaming, personal development, software, programming, or other related concepts -- it's very simple.
- First, fork this repo, and add a new
file in/_posts
. The naming convention needs to beyear-dd-mm-posttitle.md
. E.g.2025-01-02-cool-react-project.md
- Second, upload an image in the
directory. - Third, use this template in your
layout: post
title: "page title"
excerpt: "page excerpt"
date: 2025-01-01
image: "/images/EDIT-IMG-NAME.png" # optional image
<img src="/images/EDIT-IMG-NAME.png">
- Submit pull request.
Using Github Pages has its benefits.
- For one, I can use Github actions to help me deploy based on if any changes were made. So updates are hands off, besides throwing an image, and post file up.
- Image size is important to me, but I feel if I want to make X posts a day for content, I'm going to be unable to optimize everything.
- ImgBot allows me to optimize as I go. Each day it will seek images, and optimize them automatically, and create a pull request for me to merge. It's very convenient for an image blog like this.