This repository includes relevant tutorials and solutions to problems proposed in the MSc course Integrated Energy Grids at DTU..
If you detect any error, please open an issue and we will try to fix it. Ideally, you can also pull request the fix.
You can go to a nice visualization of the problems here (or following the web address displayed on the top right corner of this repository).
There you will find instructions on how to install Python, learn the packages used to solve the problems and read the solutions in Jupyter notebooks.
If you don't want to install anything on your computer, you will also find instructions on how to use Google colab to run the scripts online.
If you want to build/modify the htlm version of this repository:
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
(it is recommended you do this within a virtual environment) - Run
jupyter-book clean integrated-energy-grids/
to remove any existing builds - Run
jupyter-book build integrated-energy-grids/
We welcome and recognize all contributions. If you'd like to contribute to the project by providing feedback, identifying a bug or working on a new feature, check out the contributing guide to get started.
You can see a list of current contributors in the contributors tab.
This template was inspired and made possible by the Cookiecutter project and the Jupyter Book project.