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Matt Dean edited this page Jan 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

This is for version 0.9.0 and below. The documentation for v1.0.0+ can be found here

NB: The fluent API is currently incubating and can change at any time.

The fluent API attempts to provide a simple and concise way to use RedditClient's features. All you have to do to use this API is to construct a new FluentRedditClient.

FluentRedditClient fluent = new FluentRedditClient(redditClient);

Note that FluentRedditClient is NOT a subclass of RedditClient, but rather its own object. Additionally, the RedditClient provided in the constructor must have already been authenticated.

Here are some examples of the fluent API:

// Get a list of pages in a subreddit's wiki
List<String> wikiPages = fluent.subreddit("pics").wiki().pages();

// Subscribe to a subreddit

// Get current flair
FlairTemplate currentFlair = fluent.subreddit("pics").flair().current();

// Submit a link
Submission submission = fluent.subreddit("programming")
        .submit("", "A pretty cool reddit API wrapper");

Methods that make a networking request are annotated with NetworkingCall

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