Copyright 2014 LAAS-CNRS
Author: Florent Lamiraux
##Description Humanoid Path Planner is a software platform aimed at solving motion planning problems for humanoid robots. It is also designed to solve classical (non humanoid) path planning problems.
To install all the packages under ubuntu 12.04 LTS, you should do the following steps:
install by apt-get (see - ros-groovy-desktop-full, - ros-groovy-libccd, - asciidoc, - source-highlight, - git, - libomniorb4-dev, - omniorb-nameserver, - omniidl, - omniidl-python
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-desktop-full ros-groovy-libccd asciidoc source-highlight git libomniorb4-dev omniorb-nameserver omniidl omniidl-python
Choose a directory on you file system and define the environment variable DEVEL_DIR with the full path to this directory.
- the packages will be cloned into $DEVEL_DIR/src,
- the packages will be installed in $DEVEL_DIR/install. It is recommanded to set variable DEVEL_DIR in your .bashrc for future use.
Copy Config and Makefile
wget $DEVEL_DIR && wget $DEVEL_DIR/src
cd into $DEVEL_DIR and type
- cd into $DEVEL_DIR/src and type
make all.
Open $DEVEL_DIR/install/share/doc/hpp-doc/index.html in a web brower and you will have access to the documentation of most packages.