1. ngTemplateOutlet - ( ng-template and ng-container )
a) store variables in the template.
b) reuse html without creating a new component.
c) ng-container … to add additional ngFor’s or ngIf’s
2. Decorator Component
a) uses ngTemplateOutlet to render <content/>.
b) parent component -> middle decorator component -> child component.
git clone <project name>;
cd <project name>;
npm install;
npm start;
ng g component customer-dashboard/components/smart-list
this project was created to add ngx admin to an existing application instead of using it as a starter project 🐉
Scaffolding feature-modules with scaffolded components:
Link to presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ah6nrLpweDtLrvf5WlfnCpTABo0eV2YQEn1HcVzUcOo/edit?usp=sharing