This package can be used to report the documented and record the executed parts of an Open API specification under test: which paths and operations were executed by the test, which parameters were passed, which content types were sent, which response status code classes, codes, body properties and content types were returned and asserted.
- Documented / undocumented: present in the specification / not present.
- Passed / not passed: sent in the request / not sent.
- Obtained / not obtained: received in the response / not received.
- Tested / not tested: obtained response was asserted against the expected value / not asserted or the given assertion failed.
- TCL: Test Coverage Level (per suite, per specification).
- Input criteria: related to the API requests.
- Output criteria: related to the API responses.
Types of input criteria:
- Input parameters (optional or mandatory).
- Input parameter values (enums, booleans).
- Content-types (only applicable for operations with request body).
- Operation flows (not implemented, lacks formal definitions).
Request coverage:
- Documented, passed - fully covered.
- Documented, not passed - lacks API call.
- Undocumented, passed - lacks documentation.
- (Nonsense) Undocumented, not passed.
Types of output criteria:
- Status code classes: 200 vs 400/500, should be explicitly defined.
- Status codes.
- Response body properties.
- Content-types.
Response coverage:
- Documented, obtained, tested - fully covered.
- Documented, not obtained, testing not applicable - lacks API call and tests.
- Documented, obtained, not tested - lacks tests.
- Undocumented, obtained, tested - lacks documentation.
- Undocumented, obtained, not tested - lacks documentation and tests.
- (Nonsense) Undocumented, not obtained, testing not relevant.
TCL | Input criteria | Output criteria |
0 | ||
1 | Paths | |
2 | Operations | |
3 | Content-type | Content-type |
4 | Parameters | Status code class |
5 | Status codes | |
6 | Response body properties | |
7 | Operation flows |
Spec: Specification
Input: InputCriteria
Output: OutputCriteria
ID: string
Paths: URL -> Path
URL: string
Operations: HTTP Method -> Operation
HTTP Method: string
PathParameters: Name -> Values
Name: string
Values: array
QueryParameters: Name -> Values
Name: string
Values: array
RequestBodies: Content-type -> RequestBody
Content-type: string
Properties: Path -> Values
Path: string
Values: array
Responses: HTTP Status Code -> Response
HTTP Status Code: string
ResponseBodies: Content-type -> ResponseBody
Content-type: string
Properties: Path -> Values
Path: string
Values: array
- Parse specification.
- On each HTTP call (REST Module) find the path and operation in the spec, mark it as documented and passed.
- Dig deeper to the request parameters: infer path parameters from the URI path, by converting the path definition to regex according to the path parameter, mark the parameter as passed.
- If there's a path, but no operation documented - then mark the path as called, and log an undocumented operation.
- If there's no path, then log an undocumented path (plus operation, parameters (infer path parameters), query string parameters, request body contents).
- Dig deeper to the request parameters: query parameters.
OpenAPI specification coverage
is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.