Simple store where a customer can buy and manage the payment of their orders through PlacetoPay
- Prerequisities
- Clone project and enter to folder:
git clone && cd shop-manager
- Install dependencies:
composer install
- Copy or Create .env:
cp .env.example .env
- Set your database config and PlacetoPay Login and TranKey
- Install frontend dependencies:
npm install or yarn
- Compile frontend:
npm run dev or yarn run dev
- Running seeds:
php artisan db:seed
- Start server:
php artisan serve
- Prerequisities
- Install docker in your workstation
- Install docker-compose in your workstation
- Clone project and enter to folder:
git clone && cd shop-manager
- Install dependencies:
docker run --rm -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v $(pwd):/var/www/html -w /var/www/html laravelsail/php80-composer:latest composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
If you are using sail, only follow these steps:
- Build image:
sail build
- Start containers:
sail up -d
- Compile frontend:
sail yarn run dev
- Running seeds:
sail artisan db:seed
But if you are only using docker, follow these steps:
- Set environment:
export WWWUSER="your $WWWUSER or $UID"
export WWWGROUP="your $WWWGROUP or $(id -g)"
- Start containers:
docker-compose up -d
- Compile frontend:
docker-compose exec -u sail shopmanager.api yarn run dev
- Running seeds:
docker-compose exec -u sail shopmanager.api artisan db:seed
- Prerequisities
- Install sqlite
- Enter to root project folder
If you aren't using docker or sail, follow these steps:
- Eject tests:
php artisan test # (--filter is optional to filter by some tests)
If you are using sail, follow these steps:
- Start containers:
sail up -d
- Eject tests:
sail test # (--filter is optional to filter by some tests)
But, if you are using docker, follow these steps:
- Set environment:
export WWWUSER="your $WWWUSER or $UID"
export WWWGROUP="your $WWWGROUP or $(id -g)"
- Start containers:
docker-compose up -d
- Eject tests:
docker-compose exec -u sail shopmanager.api php artisan test # (--filter is optional to filter by some tests)