catcher.py Public
Catches HTTP requests and prints them to console. Useful for data exfil.
Python UpdatedDec 3, 2022 -
SSH-Key-Brute-Forcer Public
Takes target, user wordlist, and key directory arguments and attempts to authenticate as all of the users using each key.
Python UpdatedAug 8, 2022 -
kompromat Public
Forked from BenBE/kompromatPrivate keys that have become public ...
UpdatedJun 8, 2022 -
Wordpress-Tor-Bruteforce Public
Avoids Wordpress lockouts by bruteforcing over TOR and grabbing a new identity after every x attemtps
UpdatedSep 2, 2021 -
anirip Public
Forked from s32x/anirip🎬 A Crunchyroll episode/subtitle ripper written in Go
Office-Macro-Generator Public
Python based Office Macro Generator. Also does rudamentary obfuscation.
hiddensyslog Public
Small Python script that pulls syslog messages off the wire that are not neccesarily addressed that server
kippo-pw-farmer Public
Pulling all the passwords attempted against a kippo honeypot
Python UpdatedMay 12, 2015 -
pokewar Public
Selenium Script for infinitly poking your facebook friends
Python UpdatedNov 5, 2013 -
hpot Public
Small Python script that reports whenever someone interacts with it