Request Hugo Version: 0.60.0+
a fast and focus on reading Hugo theme, 100% JavaScript-free.
- Logo and slogan
- Navigation items
- Syntanx highlighting
- Math supporting
- Comments by Disqus
- CC License
- Builtin
Source Code Pro
font for code - Pagination with large number of pages supporting
- DarkMode supporting
Preview the exampleSite:
git clone hugo-notepadium
cd hugo-notepadium/exampleSite
hugo server --themesDir ../..
git submodule add themes/hugo-notepadium
Example config.toml
baseURL = ""
title = "Notepadium"
theme = "hugo-notepadium"
copyright = "©2019 Notepadium."
languageCode = "zh-cn"
hasCJKLanguage = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
# Enable Disqus
# disqusShortname = "XXX"
codeFences = true
noClasses = false
unsafe = true # enable raw HTML in Markdown
logo = "" # if you have a logo png
slogan = "100% JavaScript-free"
license = "" # CC License
enable = false # optional: true, false. Enable globally, default: false, you can always enable math on per page.
use = "katex" # option: "katex", "mathjax". default: "katex"
use = "none" # builtin: "prismjs", "hljs". "none" means Chroma
theme = "dracula"
darkTheme = "xcode-dark" # apply this theme in dark mode
webFonts = true # builtin: 'Source Code Pro'
showCategories = true # /categories/
showTags = true # /tags/
# custom navigation items
title = "About"
url = "/about"
title = "Hugo"
url = ""
logo = "/img/logo.png"
slogan = "code my life ~"
showCategories = true # /categories/
showTags = true # /tags/
# custom items
title = "iOS"
url = "/tags/ios"
title = "Hugo"
url = ""
# enable JS highlight
use = "hljs" # 1. prismjs 2. hljs 3. none
theme = "dracula"
darkTheme = "xcode-dark" # apply this theme in dark mode
webFonts = true # use builtin font: Source Code Pro
enable = true # true means globally, or on a per page set "math = true"
use = "katex" # "mathjax" or "katex"
When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are
$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$
Setup Disqus shortname in config.toml:
# disqus
disqusShortname = "XXX" # your short name
By default, comments is disabled for all posts.
You can enable comments like below:
title = "..."
date = 2019-12-08
comments = true
Support large number of pages
For Hugo 0.62.0+ users

render as inline <img>
, like as Github's style

render as block <img>
, like as <figure>
tag style.