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trowaSoft Modules for VCV Rack

trowaSoft Modules plugin for VCV Rack v0.5.x, v0.6.x, v1.x. The current pack includes trigSeq & trigSeq64, voltSeq, multiWave, multiScope, cvOSCcv, and cvOSC & OSCcv.

For more information about these modules, please visit:

For more information about Rack, please visit:

If you like the modules and wish to donate, you may do so here. Any donation is much appreciated!


Any builds that are currently available are at Github Releases page and geeksaurusrex. Recent builds should also be available in the VCV plugin manager.

VCV Rack v1.x.x: 2020-09-13: The latest version is v1.0.3 (for Rack v1.x).

VCV Rack v0.6.x: 2018-09-20: The latest version is v0.6.4a (for Rack v0.6.2).

VCV Rack v0.5.x: 2018-02-17: The last version is v0.5.5.2. No more versions for Rack 0.5.x will be developed.

To build for your platform, please visit the VCV rack documentation.


Currently there are three (3) sequencer modules.

trigSeq & trigSeq64

trigSeq trigSeq64

These are basic boolean on/off pad step sequencers (0V or 10V), based off the Fundamentals SEQ3 sequencer.

  • trigSeq is 16-step; trigSeq64 is 64-step.
  • Now 64 patterns. 16 patterns.
  • 16 channels (outputs).
  • Output modes: TRIG (trigger), RTRG (retrigger), GATE (continuous) (0 or 10V). (as of v1.0.2) Each channel may have its own separate output mode.
  • Inputs: Pattern, BPM, (step) Length, Clock, Reset.
  • Copy & Paste of channel or entire pattern.
  • Open Sound Control (OSC) interface (as of v. (more info)
  • Advanced Randomization options (as of v. for all patterns, current edit pattern, or only the displayed channel. Chose from 'normal random' or 'structured' random patterns.
  • Hold mouse down and set multiple pads by dragging.


voltSeq variable voltage sequencer

voltSeq is a variable voltage output step sequencer (-10V to +10V), based off the Fundamentals SEQ3 sequencer.

  • voltSeq is 16-step.
  • Now 64 patterns. 16 patterns.
  • 16 channels (outputs).
  • Output modes: (as of v1.0.2) Each channel may have its own separate output mode.
    • VOLT - Voltage (-10V to +10V): Output whatever voltage you want.
    • NOTE - Midi Note (-5V to +5V) (-4V to +6V): Output notes (12 notes per 1 V; 10 octaves). Base pitch (0V) is now C4 (as of v0.5.5.2). Range is C-1 to C9 as of v0.6.0.
    • PATT - Pattern (-10V to +10V): To control the currently playing Pattern (or Length) on another trigSeq or voltSeq. (Now 1 to 64 in range).
  • Inputs: Pattern, BPM, (step) Length, Clock, Reset.
  • Copy & Paste of channel or entire pattern.
  • Open Sound Control (OSC) interface (as of v. (more info)
  • Advanced Randomization options (as of v. for all patterns, current edit pattern, or only the displayed channel. Chose from 'normal random' or 'structured' random patterns.
  • Shift Values (as of v0.5.5.2): +/- 1 Volt or 1 Octave or 1 Pattern for all patterns, current edit pattern, or only the displayed channel.



multiWave is a digital oscillator module with three (3) oscillators/clocks, each with two (2) configurable wave channel outputs. This module has been made to complement multiScope and is new in v0.6.3.

  • Screen User Controls:

    • Click on a value to edit it directly (a text box should appear and allow you to type the value).
    • Tab or Tab-Shift will iterate through the editable text boxes.
    • Valid for all displayed values except for WAVE and AUX (AUX is only an editable textbox for pulse width when SQR/rectangle wave is selected).
  • CV Inputs & User Controls per Oscillator:

    • SYNC - (Right hand side) Reset/sync the oscillator (to phase 0). Currently this is CV only (no UI control).
    • AMPL - Amplitude (-10V to +10V).
    • FREQ - Frequency (1V/Oct) for the oscillator clock.
      The Frequency knob rotates 360°. Hold down the Shift key for coarser control or the Control key for finer control while dragging up/down.
    • PHASE - Phase Shift (-10V to +10V).
    • OFFSET - Offset (-10V to +10V).
    • CV Inputs & User Controls per Channel Output:
      • WAV - Waveform Type (-5V to +5V): SIN, TRI, SAW, SQR.
      • AUX - Aux (-5V to +5V). If the CV input is active then, the knob value is ignored.
        Currently only SAW and SQR have functions:
        • SAW: Slope (pos |/| or neg |\|). 0 or positive CV for positive slope.
        • SQR: Pulse Width.
        • SIN and TRI adjustments will be added later when/if we think of another parameter for these waveforms.
      • PHASE - Phase Shift (-10V to +10V). Value is relative to the oscillator clock.
      • MOD - Amplitude modulation (-10V to +10V). Knob controls the mix between the raw signal and the modded signal.
      • * - Button for modulation type (Digital or Ring). Currently this is UI only (no CV input).
  • CV Outputs per Oscillator:

    • SYNC - Triggers whenever the period restarts.
    • CV Outputs per Channel Output:
      • X<n> or Y<n> - RAW waveform without amplitude modulation (MOD).
      • MOD - The modulated waveform (based on the MOD knob and the incoming MOD signal input).



multiScope is a visual effects scope, with lissajous mode, that allows three (3) waveforms to be drawn on the same screen/canvas. (code based on JW Modules FullScope and Fundamental Scope)

v1.0: Windows, Linux, and Mac all have the latest scope now. For previous versions (<1.0), the Mac version was stuck on the original scope due to crashes and no time for debugging.

  • CV Inputs per Channel:

    • X - X-value (horizontal component).
    • Y - Y-value (vertical component).
    • C - Color/hue (0V to +5V).
    • A - Alpha channel (0V to +5V).
    • BLANK - Blank ON or OFF. By default, Blank is off. ON is any input <=0 (really < 0.1V), otherwise it will be OFF.
      You can use a trigSeq (in CONT mode, synchronized with a voltSeq) to control / hide lines that you do not wish to be shown.
    • FC - Fill Color hue (0V to +5V)
    • FA - Fill alpha channel (0V to +5V).
    • R - Rotation (-10V to +10V). Will either be a rotational rate or if the ABS button is on, it will be the absolute angular position.
    • T - Time.
    • TH - Line Thickness.
  • User Controls per Channel:

    • X - Offset (OFF) & Scale (SCL) knobs.
    • Y - Offset (OFF) & Scale (SCL) knobs.
    • LNK - (Toggle) Link the X-scale and Y-scale knobs together so they will change together (have the same value).
    • C - Color knob. If an input is active on the Color port, this is ignored. Highest setting will yield White now.
    • A - Alpha channel knob. If an input is active on the Alpha port, this is ignored.
    • FC - Fill Color knob. If an input is active on the Fill Color port, this is ignored. Highest setting yield give White now.
    • Fill Color - (Toggle) Fill on/off.
    • FA - Fill alpha channel knob. If an input is active on the Alpha port, this is ignored.
    • Rotation Controls:
      • R - Rotation knob. If an input is active on the Rotation port, this is ignored.
      • ABS - (Toggle) Turning ABS on will make the rotation inputs control the absolute angular position instead of a rate.
    • T - Time adjustment knob. Will be used along with the Time input port.
    • TH - Line Thickness. If an input is active on the Thickness port, this is ignored.
    • EFFECT - Effect knob.
    • X*Y - (Toggle) Toggle lissajous mode on / off (default is on).
  • User Controls for entire module:

    • INFO - (Toggle) Toggle input parameter information on / off (default is on). Located on the right-hand-side (RHS) bar.
    • BG COLOR - (Toggle) Toggle on-screen Background Color picker on / off (default is on). Located on the right-hand-side (RHS) bar.
    • Background Color Picker - Displayed on screen. Hue-Saturation-Light (HSL) sliders to pick the background color.


cvOSCcv default screen and configuration screen.

cvOSCcv is a simple, generic Open Sound Control (OSC) module for outputting Rack CVs to OSC and reading in simple OSC messages into Rack CVs. This module is new in version 0.6.0.

  • CV Inputs - CV => OSC (8 Channels), each channel:

    • TRG - (mono) If active, then OSC messages will output the VAL CV input when triggered.
    • VAL - (poly as of v1.0.2) The value(s) that will output over OSC. If there is no trigger present, the module will output whenever VAL changes at least 0.05 up to 100 Hz.
  • CV Outputs - OSC => CV (8 channels), each channel:

    • TRG - (mono) (0-10V) Triggers whenever an OSC message is received.
    • VAL - (poly as of v1.0.2) (Gate) Outputs the last OSC value(s) received. Note that polyphonic cables are limited to 16 channels.
  • User Controls:

    • CONFIG - (Toggle) Button to toggle the configuration view. When an OSC connection is active, a blue light will appear on the button.
    • LEFT / RIGHT - (as of v1.0.2) Buttons to navigate between the configuration of the module itself or any expansion modules (cvOSC or OSCcv) connected to it.
    • OSC IP Address - The IP address of the OSC client/server. Default is
    • Out Port - Port for sending messages.
    • In Port - Port for receiving messages. Currently, trowaSoft modules can NOT share the same ports. (as of v1.0.2) cvOSCcv modules may share the same ports to either speak to the same endpoint or talk to each other.
    • Namespace - The OSC namespace. Default is trowacv.
    • Auto Con - Automatically reconnect on load from save. The connection will be restore if the connection was active (in the save file) and this is checked.
    • Per Channel:
      • Address - Endpoint address. Default is /ch/{channel #}.
      • ADV - (as of v0.6.2) Advanced settings for simple value conversions. Specify simple OSC data types (float, int, bool) and the CV and OSC ranges.

    NOTE: To save Channel Address changes after a connection is active, simply hide the configuration screen again.

cvOSCcv Expansion Modules

Expansion modules for cvOSCcv: cvOSC and OSCcv.

cvOSC and OSCcv are expansion modules for cvOSCcv. They add extra inputs or outputs respectively. These modules are new in version 1.0.2.

  • cvOSC: CV => OSC.

    • Adds 8 more input channels. Each channel has a TRG (mono) and a VAL (poly) input.
    • Module will only connect to a master if it is placed to the LEFT of the master cvOSCcv module. It must be touching it or another cvOSC.
  • OSCcv: OSC => CV.

    • Adds 8 more output channels. Each channel has a TRG (mono) and a VAL (poly) output.
    • Module will only connect to a master if it is placed to the RIGHT of the master cvOSCcv module. It must be touching it or another OSCcv.
  • Multiple expansion modules may be chained.

  • Expansion modules have no user controls. They must be configured in their master cvOSCcv module. Configurable items are:

    • Expansion Module Name (only used for display, not used in OSC)
    • Channel Addresses
    • Channel Conversions
  • By default, channels start at #9. After connecting to a master cvOSCcv module, initializing the expansion module will "re-number" its channels (i.e. /ch/9 will become /ch/17).

    NOTE: The expander's name is only for display purposes to help identify which expander you are configuring in the master module.


trowaSoft Modules for VCV Rack







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  • C++ 99.9%
  • Makefile 0.1%