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@czy88840616 czy88840616 released this 29 Dec 14:26
· 36 commits to main since this release

v3.19.3 (2024-12-29)

🐛 Bug Fix

📝 Documentation

  • async-hooks-context-manager, axios, bootstrap, bull-board, bull, busboy, cache-manager, captcha, casbin-redis-adapter, casbin-typeorm-adapter, casbin, code-dye, consul, core, cos, cron, decorator, etcd, grpc, i18n, info, kafka, leoric, mikro, mock, mongoose, mqtt, oss, otel, rabbitmq, redis, sequelize, socketio, static-file, swagger, tablestore, tags, tenant, validate, view-ejs, view-nunjucks, view, web-express, web-koa, web, ws

📦 Dependencies

Committers: 2