This README provides information on the prisoner search service. For the indexer service that keeps the search up-to-date from Prison systems (NOMIS) please see the indexer README.
The purpose of this service is to:
- API to provides searching of prisoner records in NOMIS via OpenSearch
is used to emulate the AWS OpenSearch service.
Since search has a number of dependencies that themselves have dependencies, it is recommended that when running locally you point mostly at services running in T3. The exception is pointing at localstack for AWS services, but HMPPS Auth, prison-api, incentives services are best used directly on T3 dev environment. The docker-compose.yml file is provided as reference but the dependencies of dependencies are not shown and are subject to change. To run against T3 dependencies the environment variables as shown in the helm_deploy/values-dev.yaml file for paths can be used. Personal client credentials for the T3 services can be obtained from the HMPPS Auth team with the appropriate roles.
To start up localstack and other dependencies with prisoner search running in Docker too:
docker compose up localstack hmpps-auth prison-api restricted-patients hmpps-incentives-api hpsi-db
Once localstack has started then, in another terminal, run the following command to start prisoner search too:
docker-compose up hmpps-prisoner-search --detach
To check that it has all started correctly use docker ps
To start up localstack and other dependencies with prisoner search running in IntelliJ:
docker compose up --scale hmpps-prisoner-search=0 --scale hmpps-prisoner-search-indexer=0
To then run prisoner search from the command line:
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev ./gradlew bootRun
Alternatively create a Spring Boot run configuration with active profile of dev
and main class
If just running the tests then the following will just start localstack as the other dependencies are mocked out:
docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up
Then the following command will run all the tests:
./gradlew test
Access to the raw OpenSearch indexes is only possible from the Cloud Platform hmpps-prisoner-search
family of namespaces.
First step is to setup a port-forward on local port 19200:
NAMESPACE=hmpps-prisoner-search-dev && kubectl -n $NAMESPACE port-forward $(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods | grep opensearch-proxy-cloud-platform | grep Running | head -1 | awk '{print $1}') 19200:8080
Then the following http
command will return a list all indexes e.g.:
http http://localhost:19200/_cat/indices
green open .opensearch-observability 5hpaFEsZQFCHKbK3MUs5ww 1 2 0 0 624b 208b
green open .plugins-ml-config PLZ29c0fTm-eZE3jbBDZ1g 5 1 1 0 9.5kb 4.7kb
green open new-indexes awlFmRltTUaODin8FAcV3g 5 1 0 0 2kb 1kb
green open prisoner-search-blue BJVwzaavQ1S8ZUBjh8m6AA 5 1 4884726 819333 2gb 1gb
green open prisoner-search-green ah_86gBrSNyuq_ZeOqADWQ 5 1 57188 6449 191.9mb 103.8mb
green open .kibana_2 pYe_1Di0RCyhfV-P0wbaIA 1 2 2 0 30.5kb 10.1kb
green open .kibana_1 VsvTD5S8Tv-u7Gu5Hn6Bpg 1 2 1 0 15.5kb 5.1kb
green open prisoner-index-status pHxkOKu9SgOKAxmZh0hJHQ 1 1 1 0 11.9kb 5.9kb