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Fixing memory leaks when a simultaneous close is happening #489

merged 11 commits into from
Jul 27, 2022
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/tcp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ struct
connects: (WIRE.t, ((connection, error) result Lwt.u * Sequence.t * Tcpip.Tcp.Keepalive.t option)) Hashtbl.t;

let internal_n_channels t = Hashtbl.length t.channels

let listen t ~port ?keepalive cb =
if port < 0 || port > 65535 then
raise (Invalid_argument (Printf.sprintf "invalid port number (%d)" port))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ struct
(* The user application transmit buffer *)
let utx = UTX.create ~wnd ~txq ~max_size:16384l in
let rxq = RXS.create ~rx_data ~wnd ~state ~tx_ack in
let rxq = RXS.create ~rx_data ~send_ack ~wnd ~state ~tx_ack in
(* Set up ACK module *)
let ack = ACK.t ~send_ack ~last:(Sequence.succ rx_isn) in
(* Set up the keepalive state if requested *)
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/tcp/flow.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,4 +20,10 @@ module Make (IP:Tcpip.Ip.S)
(R:Mirage_random.S) : sig
include Tcpip.Tcp.S with type ipaddr = IP.ipaddr
val connect : IP.t -> t Lwt.t

(* the number of open connections *)
val internal_n_channels : t -> int

12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/tcp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,14 +84,15 @@ module Rx(Time:Mirage_time.S) = struct
type t = {
mutable segs: S.t;
rx_data: (Cstruct.t list option * Sequence.t option) Lwt_mvar.t; (* User receive channel *)
send_ack: Sequence.t Lwt_mvar.t;
tx_ack: (Sequence.t * int) Lwt_mvar.t; (* Acks of our transmitted segs *)
wnd: Window.t;
state: State.t;

let create ~rx_data ~wnd ~state ~tx_ack =
let create ~rx_data ~send_ack ~wnd ~state ~tx_ack =
let segs = S.empty in
{ segs; rx_data; tx_ack; wnd; state }
{ segs; rx_data; send_ack; tx_ack; wnd; state }

let pp fmt t =
let pp_v fmt seg =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,10 +136,7 @@ module Rx(Time:Mirage_time.S) = struct

let send_challenge_ack q =
(* TODO: rfc5961 ACK Throttling *)
(* Is this the correct way trigger an ack? *)
if Lwt_mvar.is_empty q.rx_data
then Lwt_mvar.put q.rx_data (Some [], Some
else Lwt.return_unit
Lwt_mvar.put q.send_ack

(* Given an input segment, the window information, and a receive
queue, update the window, extract any ready segments into the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,7 +285,7 @@ module Tx (Time:Mirage_time.S) (Clock:Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) = struct
let ontimer xmit st segs wnd seq =
match State.state st with
| State.Syn_rcvd _ | State.Established | State.Fin_wait_1 _
| State.Close_wait | State.Last_ack _ ->
| State.Close_wait | State.Closing _ | State.Last_ack _ ->
begin match peek_opt_l segs with
| None -> Lwt.return Tcptimer.Stoptimer
| Some rexmit_seg ->
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/tcp/segment.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module Rx (T:Mirage_time.S) : sig

val create:
rx_data:(Cstruct.t list option * Sequence.t option) Lwt_mvar.t ->
send_ack:Sequence.t Lwt_mvar.t ->
wnd:Window.t ->
state:State.t ->
tx_ack:(Sequence.t * int) Lwt_mvar.t ->
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/tcp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,13 @@ module Make(Time:Mirage_time.S) = struct
| Fin_wait_2 _, Recv_fin ->
Lwt.async (fun () -> timewait t time_wait_time);
| Closing a, Recv_ack b -> if diffone b a then Time_wait else Closing a
| Closing a, Recv_ack b ->
if diffone b a then
Lwt.async (fun () -> timewait t time_wait_time);
else Closing a
| Closing _, Timeout -> t.on_close (); Closed
| Closing _, Recv_rst -> t.on_close (); Reset
| Time_wait, Timeout -> t.on_close (); Closed
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150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions test/
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@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
open Lwt.Infix

* Connects two stacks to the same backend.
* One is a complete v4 stack (the system under test, referred to as [sut]).
* The other gives us low level access to inject crafted TCP packets,
* and sends and receives crafted packets to check the [sut] behavior.
module VNETIF_STACK = Vnetif_common.VNETIF_STACK(Vnetif_backends.Basic)

module Time = Vnetif_common.Time
module V = Vnetif.Make(Vnetif_backends.Basic)
module E = Ethernet.Make(V)
module A = Arp.Make(E)(Time)
module I = Static_ipv4.Make(Mirage_random_test)(Vnetif_common.Clock)(E)(A)
module Wire = Tcp.Wire
module WIRE = Wire.Make(I)
module Tcp_wire = Tcp.Tcp_wire
module Tcp_unmarshal = Tcp.Tcp_packet.Unmarshal
module Sequence = Tcp.Sequence

let sut_cidr = Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.of_string_exn ""
let server_ip = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn ""
let server_cidr = Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.make 24 server_ip
let gateway = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn ""

let header_size = Ethernet.Packet.sizeof_ethernet

(* defaults when injecting packets *)
let options = []
let window = 5120

(* Helper functions *)
let reply_id_from ~src ~dst data =
let sport = Tcp_wire.get_tcp_src_port data in
let dport = Tcp_wire.get_tcp_dst_port data in
WIRE.v ~dst_port:sport ~dst:src ~src_port:dport ~src:dst

let ack_for data =
match Tcp_unmarshal.of_cstruct data with
| Error s -> ("attempting to ack data: " ^ s)
| Ok (packet, data) ->
let open Tcp.Tcp_packet in
let data_len =
Sequence.of_int ((Cstruct.length data) +
(if packet.fin then 1 else 0) +
(if packet.syn then 1 else 0)) in
let sequence = packet.sequence in
let ack_n = Sequence.(add sequence data_len) in

let ack data =
Some(ack_for data)

let ack_in_future data off =
Some Sequence.(add (ack_for data) (of_int off))

let ack_from_past data off =
Some Sequence.(sub (ack_for data) (of_int off))

let fail_result_not_expected fail = function
| Error _err ->
fail "error not expected"
| Ok `Eof ->
fail "eof"
| Ok (`Data data) -> (Format.asprintf "data not expected but received: %a"
Cstruct.hexdump_pp data)

let create_sut_stack backend =
VNETIF_STACK.create_stack ~cidr:sut_cidr ~gateway backend

let create_raw_stack backend =
V.connect backend >>= fun netif ->
E.connect netif >>= fun ethif ->
A.connect ethif >>= fun arpv4 ->
I.connect ~cidr:server_cidr ~gateway ethif arpv4 >>= fun ip ->
Lwt.return (netif, ethif, arpv4, ip)

type 'state fsm_result =
| Fsm_next of 'state
| Fsm_done
| Fsm_error of string

(* This could be moved to a common module and reused for other low level tcp tests *)

(* setups network and run a given sut and raw fsm *)
let run backend fsm sut () =
let initial_state, fsm_handler = fsm in
create_sut_stack backend >>= fun stackv4 ->
create_raw_stack backend >>= fun (netif, ethif, arp, rawip) ->
let error_mbox = Lwt_mvar.create_empty () in
let stream, pushf = Lwt_stream.create () in
Lwt.pick [
VNETIF_STACK.Stackv4.listen stackv4;

(* Consume TCP packets one by one, in sequence *)
let rec fsm_thread state = stream >>= fun (src, dst, data) ->
fsm_handler rawip state ~src ~dst data >>= function
| Fsm_next s ->
fsm_thread s
| Fsm_done ->
| Fsm_error err ->
Lwt_mvar.put error_mbox err >>= fun () ->
(* it will be terminated anyway when the error is picked up *)
fsm_thread state in

Lwt.async (fun () ->
(V.listen netif ~header_size
~arpv4:(A.input arp)
~tcp: (fun ~src ~dst data -> pushf (Some(src,dst,data)); Lwt.return_unit)
~udp:(fun ~src:_ ~dst:_ _data -> Lwt.return_unit)
~default:(fun ~proto ~src ~dst _data ->
Logs.debug (fun f -> f "default handler invoked for packet from %a to %a, protocol %d -- dropping" Ipaddr.V4.pp src Ipaddr.V4.pp dst proto); Lwt.return_unit)
~ipv6:(fun _buf ->
Logs.debug (fun f -> f "IPv6 packet -- dropping");
ethif) ) >|= fun _ -> ());

(* Either both fsm and the sut terminates, or a timeout occurs, or one of the sut/fsm informs an error *)
Lwt.pick [
(Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 5) >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return_some "timed out");

(Lwt.join [
(fsm_thread initial_state);

(* time to let the other end connects to the network and listen.
* Otherwise initial syn might need to be repeated slowing down the test *)
(Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms 100) >>= fun () ->
sut stackv4 (Lwt_mvar.put error_mbox) >>= fun _ ->
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms 100));
] >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_none);

(Lwt_mvar.take error_mbox >>= fun cause ->
Lwt.return_some cause);
] >|= function
| None -> ()
| Some err -> err
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ let suite = [
"deadlock" , Test_deadlock.suite ;
"iperf" , Test_iperf.suite ;
"iperf_ipv6" , Test_iperf_ipv6.suite ;
"keepalive" , Test_keepalive.suite ;
"keepalive" , Test_keepalive.suite ;
"simultaneous_close", Test_simulatenous_close.suite

let run test () =
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