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An overly thorough and opinionated guide to setting up a software engineering environment on macOS for novice engineers.

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Unix Environment Setup

An overly thorough and opinionated guide to setting up a software engineering environment on Mac.


This guide covers the core technologies your computer will need for a software engineering environment. Briefly, let's overview all of the installations:

In addition to these necessary installations, I provide some recommendations that will help you make the most of your coding environment, including:

Lastly, I'm including "detail" drop-downs like the following:

Click Me!

I will use these dropdowns to keep the guide relatively clean and focused, but to still include important details and context about what is happening with each download. I've used this emoji key to help with visual indicators:

  • ⚠️ Warnings
  • ❗ Common Errors
  • 🔎 Learn More

Some Tips For Anyone New To Coding

Before you start, I recommend three things:

1) Familiarize Yourself With The Tools of the Trade

If you're brand new to software engineering, or if you aren't particularly comfortable with your computer, shortcuts, and so forth, including the command line interface, please review the guide to Tools of the Trade. Even for experienced engineers, focusing on these more basic tools can significantly level up one's coding prowess and productivity.

2) Practice Researching Anything & Everything

With the vast complexities of software engineering, it is simply impossible to know and memorize everything you will need on a daily basis. Get used to Googling, it will make a huge difference. In this spirit, I've included links to documentation on all the software you'll need, and you can open up the Glossary in a new tab; if you have any questions or need to troubleshoot, use these to your advantage.

3) Be Thorough & Methodical

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you must use methodical, step-by-step attention to detail. This is integral to a career in software engineering, but especially when setting up your laptop and coding environment. Doing these steps out of order can have code-breaking implications.

Let's dive in!


This guide will be using Terminal for all installations.

⚠️ Warning: While installing, do not use the sudo command, unless specifically told to do so. sudo, meaning "Super User DO", often installs software in different locations on your hard drive, placing them in root instead of in your user directory. This can cause issues down the line.

Ready to get started? Let's open your terminal!

Your Terminal Toolbox: Command Line Tools

Xcode Documentation | Xcode Resources | Command Line Tools Downloads

Xcode is Apple's native Integrated Development Environment, or IDE. For the most part, you won't be using Xcode, unless/until you become more specialized in your career, but we will be using a subset of the Xcode app, called the Command Line Tools package. (If you have the full Xcode suite installed already, skip to the Verify Installation steps.)

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. Copy and paste the following script into your terminal.

xcode-select --install

STEP 2. Follow the GUI prompt to install the Command Line Tools. While installing, the prompt will show you a status bar and the approximate time remaining. If successfully installed, the prompt will tell you, "The software was installed." Click "Done".

✅ Verify Installation

To confirm installation, run the command xcode-select -v. The output should state xcode-select version 2400 or higher. To confirm installation location, run the command xcode-select -p. The output should state /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools.

❗ Common Errors

If Command Line Tools are already installed, you will receive xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates. If Command Line Tools is installed at the wrong path, this may be intentional; if you have the full Xcode suite, the output should state /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools; if not, simply try running the following command to reset the path location.

xcode-select -r
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Clocking in at over 3GB, Xcode is a beast of an IDE, and we just don't need to use up that disk space. That said, we will use Command Line Tools, which is a package within Xcode. Command Line Tools includes the most commonly used utilities and compilers (make, GNU compiler collection, perl, git, etc.), and we will be needing these. In Terminal, Command Line Tools uses xcode-select command prefix.

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Your Primary Package Manager: Homebrew

Brew Documentation | Brew GitHub | Brew Issue Tickets

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. Many of the software packages you will need for the Unix dev environment will be installed and maintained via Homebrew.

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. Copy and paste the following script into your terminal.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

STEP 2. You should be prompted with ==> Checking for 'sudo' access (which may request your password). You'll see a new line with a blinking key icon. Enter your Admin password.

⚠️ As you type, your cursor will not move and your typing won't be visible– simply type your full password and hit enter.

STEP 3. Next, you should be prompted with ==> This script will install: ... and ==> The following new directories will be created: ..., listing a series of file-folder paths, followed by Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort. Press RETURN.

⚠️ While Homebrew is still installing, you won't be able to use your bash command line prompt. You should see multiple processes running.

If successfully installed, you will see a large message that begins with ==> Installation successful!.

STEP 4. While Homebrew is now installed, we now have to instruct our terminal to acknowledge brew commands. We do this by configuring our shell with a path update. Copy and paste the following script, replacing [username] with your laptop's username, into your terminal.

echo >> /Users/[username]/.zprofile
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/[username]/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
✅ Verify Installation

To confirm, run the command brew -v. The output should state Homebrew 4.4.16 or higher.

❗ Common Errors

It's highly unlikely that this will error out. Even when it's already installed, Homebrew will take the opportunity to install a clean version and update any outdated dependencies.

🔎 Learn More

Homebrew is a package manager, meaning, it provides software packages and can handle safely updating and uninstalling as needed. Homebrew is considered essential for core software which macOS doesn't ship natively, but which are necessary for your work. Homebrew packages are divided into formulae, casks, taps, or bottles; for the time being, we'll really only be using formulae and casks. Formulae are for softwares that you'll only interact with through the terminal– meaning, software that doesn't have an "app" interface in the GUI (i.e.: Node). Casks are for softwares that you interact with in your GUI, such as Safari or Chrome.

In terminal, Homebrew utilizes the brew command prefix.

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Your Terminal Shell: Zsh

Zsh Documentation | Zsh Users Project

Zsh, pronounced by the acronym Z-S-H, is a Unix shell and command interpreter for shell scripting. It serves as a replacement for Bash, the default Unix Terminal shell.

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. Copy and paste the following Homebrew command in your terminal.

brew install zsh

If Zsh was successfully installed, you will see a large message that begins with ==> Installation successful!.

STEP 2. Copy and paste the following script to make Zsh your default Terminal shell.

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh

STEP 3. If prompted, enter your password.

⚠️ Remember, as you type, your cursor will not move and your typing won't be visible– simply type your full password and hit enter.

STEP 4. Quit your terminal application and restart it to open your Z shell.

⚠️ You must "hard quit" Terminal– do not just close the window!

✅ Verify Installation

To confirm installation, run the command zsh --version. The output should be zsh 5.9 or higher.

To confirm Zsh has been made your default shell, run echo $SHELL. The output should be bin/zsh.

If this is not the case, view the next section, Common Errors.

❗ Common Errors

If Zsh is already installed, Homebrew will take the opportunity to upgrade any Brew packages before returning:

Warning: zsh <version> is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall <version>, run:
  brew reinstall zsh

If running echo $SHELL returned bin/bash, this means your default shell has not changed. First, try hard-quitting your terminal. (Do not simply close the Terminal window. This doesn't quit the application. Use command + Q to quit.) Once it has quit, reopen terminal and re-run echo $SHELL. This should fix the issue.

Your Shell Framework: Oh My Zsh

Oh My Zsh Documentation | Oh My Zsh Github | Oh My Zsh Issue Tickets

Oh My Zsh is a community-driven framework for Zsh. It helps us customize and configure our shell.

📋 View Installation Steps

STEP 1. Copy and paste the following command in your terminal.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If Oh My Zsh is successfully installed, you'll see a large message containing:

         __                                     __
  ____  / /_     ____ ___  __  __   ____  _____/ /_
 / __ \/ __ \   / __ `__ \/ / / /  /_  / / ___/ __ \
/ /_/ / / / /  / / / / / / /_/ /    / /_(__  ) / / /
\____/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/ /_/\__, /    /___/____/_/ /_/
                        /____/              now installed!

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Your Version Control Manager: Git

Git Documentation | Git on Github

Git is a free, open-source version control system– meaning, it allows teams to collaborate on code that's stored safely in cloud– and comes with built-in tools for avoiding code conflicts.

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. Run the following Homebrew command in your terminal:

brew install git

If successful, you should see multiple Brew installations (the dependencies for the Git software).

✅ Verify Installation

To confirm, run git --version. The output should be git version 2.39.5 (Apple Git-154) or higher.

🔎 Learn More

Git version control is the lifeblood of the software engineer. It's nearly universally used on all projects and by all companies, because it's a lightweight, open-source, cloud-based approach to collaborative, conflict-free coding. Note, Git is not the same as GitHub– Git is the version control system, whereas GitHub is one of many Git-based project hosting websites. (A comparable analogy is an Img file and the Imgur website– Imgur hosts images, but an Img and Imgur are very different things.)

Your VCS Configurations

We're not done just yet with Git– in order for your computer to utilize your Git correctly, including communicating and syncing with your cloud-based Git repositories, it's highly important that we set up certain Git configurations for your global environment.

Authorship Information

📋 Steps

STEP 1. Run the following command, replacing the name and email address with your own information. (The email should correspond with your personal GitHub account.)

git config --global "Misha Kessler"
git config --global "[email protected]"
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For you to receive "credit" for your work, your Git configuration includes your "author information", such as your name and email address. Each time you make a commit to your Git repository, the commit includes this authorship information on the commit details; this enables GitHub to link and credit your commits to your GitHub profile. By default, your authorship name is the name of your macOS user account, and the email is often that name at your "local" email– for example, [email protected]. Obviously, this needs to be updated to ensure your commits are documented correctly.

Default Editor

📋 Steps

STEP 1. Run the following command.

git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
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Occasionally, Git will need to open documents in a code editor, or IDE. By default, the editor used is Vim, a rather confusing interface for novice software engineers. Instead, we'll tell Git to open in our default editor, VS Code. (Visual Studio does not need to be installed yet, in order to set up this configuration. We'll cover the installation later in this guide!)

Branch Naming Convention

📋 View Steps

STEP 1. Run the following command.

git config --global init.defaultBranch main
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If you're new to Git, it handles multiple versions of the same document by creating "branches," and software engineers have strong naming conventions and preferences for these branches. Previously, the conventional name for the main branch was master branch, but convention has moved away from this name due to its foundation in the language of oppression ("master" and "slave" dynamics). Now, Git recommends replacing master with main, but we still need to tell our system to start all projects with this name.

Rebase Convention

📋 Steps

STEP 1. Run the following command.

git config --global pull.rebase false
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Rebasing in Git is a tool for integrating changes across versions. Rebasing is a "dangerous" git operation because it alters the Git history– a cardinal sin when used inappropriately– and occassionally, when dealing with complex git flows, you may be prompted to set your default "pull action." (Don't worry– you'll learn what all of this means soon enough.) Until you understand rebasing, we want to squash that warning by turning off automatic rebasing.


📋 Steps

STEP 1. Run the following Homebrew command.

brew install gh
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As discussed above, Git and GitHub are different; this CLI package from GitHub allows us to use the gh command to interact with our repositories.

GitHub Credential Management

📋 Steps

STEP 1. Run the following command.

brew install --cask git-credential-manager

STEP 2. The next time you run a command that requires a secure Git transaction over HTTPS, your CLI will lead you through a process for logging into GitHub. If you'd like to start the process now, try cloning this glossary for novice software engineers:

gh install --cask git-credential-manager
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For you to have full control over your Git repositories from your Terminal, we need to set a secure connection to GitHub, giving your Git-based commands the proper permissions to be executed, and GPG tools, allowing your commits to be verified locally.

✅ Verify Configurations

To confirm these configurations are correct, run git config list. The output should list all the information we've entered, similar to the following:

core.editor=code --wait

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Your JavaScript Runtime Environment: Node

Node is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Before we discuss Node, we'll want to cover Node Version Manager, our software of choice for managing our Node installations.

Node Version Manager

NVM on GitHub | NVM Troubleshooting | NVM Issue Tickets

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. Copy and paste the following script into your terminal.

curl -o- | bash

STEP 2. You should be prompted with a confirmation message, such as ==> Installation successful!. If so, we no have to instruct our terminal to load NVM and acknowledge our commands. Copy and paste the following script into your terminal.

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
✅ Verify Installation

To confirm, run the command nvm -v. The output should state 0.40.1 or higher.

🔎 Learn More

NVM is one of a few available Node version managers, meaning, it provides can handle safely installing, updating, setting local or global versions, and uninstalling Node versions as needed. In terminal, NVM utilizes the nvm command prefix.

Node & Node Package Manager

Node Website | Node Documentation | Node on GitHub | Node Issue Tickets

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. With NVM installed, now copy and paste the following script into your terminal.

nvm install 23
✅ Verify Installation

Following Step 1, you should be prompted with a confirmation message, such as Now using node v23.6.0 (npm v10.9.2). To confirm, run the commands nvm current and node -v. Both should output v23.6.0 or higher.


Yarn Website | Yarn Documentation | Yarn on GitHub | Yarn Issue Tickets

📋 Installation Steps

STEP 1. While Node also installed Node Package Manager, we're going to use an alternative to NPM called Yarn. (This can boil down to personal preference, but I'm a fan of Yarn.) Copy and paste the following command into your terminal.

corepack enable yarn

STEP 2. Following Step 1, you won't receive a confirmation message. Nexxt, run the command yarn -v. You will be prompted with the following message:

! Corepack is about to download
? Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

STEP 3. Press y and return.

✅ Verify Installation

Following Step 3, you should see the output from your yarn -v command; the version should be 1.22.22 or higher.


TypeScript Website | TypeScript Documentation | TypeScript GitHub | TypeScript Issue Tickets

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Your Database Management Programs: PostgreSQL and MongoDB


PostgreSQL Website | PostgreSQL Documentation | PostgreSQL GitHub | PostgreSQL Issue Tickets


MongoDB Website | MongoDB Documentation | MongoDB GitHub | MongoDB Issue Tickets

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Your Backend Scripting Languages: Ruby and Python



Ruby Gems


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Your GUI Applications


Visual Studio Code

Google Chrome



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Your Shell Environment: Zsh Plugins & Settings

Terminal Settings

Zsh Plugins

Zsh Completions

Oh My Zsh Themes

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Your Integrated Development Environment: VSCode Extensions & Settings

VSCode Settings

Bracket Pair Colorizer

Indent Rainbow

Color Themes

Icon Themes

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Your Browser Environment: Chrome Extensions

React Dev Tools

Color Picker

JSON Viewer

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An overly thorough and opinionated guide to setting up a software engineering environment on macOS for novice engineers.



