Two GNOME rices on NixOS Greyscale MacBook Pro inspired and Kanojo No Carrera inspired. The only difference is the background and oh-my-posh theme.
To have firefox like this in "fullscreen mode" but not take up the full screen go to about:config search for widgets and change the only option this one: full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to True
Wallpapers available in "papes" folder.
from home.nix and instead add this to enable fish and oh-my-posh: = true;
programs.bash = {
interactiveShellInit = ''
if [[ $(${pkgs.procps}/bin/ps --no-header --pid=$PPID --format=comm) != "fish" && -z ''${BASH_EXECUTION_STRING} ]]
shopt -q login_shell && LOGIN_OPTION='--login' || LOGIN_OPTION=""
exec ${}/bin/fish $LOGIN_OPTION
and in your configuration.nix (or wherever you have environment.systemPackages)
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
nerdfetch # optional
pipes # optional
nerd-fonts.ubuntu-sans # or pick a different nerdfont
# GNOME Extensions:
And here are the settings I used manually modified:
Settings > Multitasking > Dynamic Workspaces (instead of the default fixed number of 4)
Dash to dock:
I have set intelligent auto hide off I have size set to 32px and transparent background (opacity = 0%) with "dots" indicators and shrink the dash on and show overview on startup off I have set scroll over dash icon to scroll through workspaces
Tiling Assistant:
I have it set to open after window off leave it as the default on if you prefer the windows style but i prefer for it just to snap and nothing else If i want to snap a second program I just switch to that program and drag it too (could've just used keybinds to be honest). I also have raise together off when I select a program I only want that one to show up. And both gaps set to 10px
Transparent Top Bar:
0% opacity (fully transparent).
Oh-my-posh theme is a new file you have to make:
Themes can be downloaded here or to get the traffic lights one copy it from this repo but it is a WIP though it currently works okay. (Path is not very readable)
Frequently Used Commands:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake /etc/nixos#default
sudo code /etc/nixos --no-sandbox --user-data-dir /home/mo